SSHRC president congratulates winners of national Storytellers contest communicating research with impact

Ted Hewitt, president of the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC), today applauded five talented students who have been named this year’s top research storytellers. The five were selected from among 25 finalists in a national challenge to find innovative ways to communicate the impact of social sciences and humanities research.

SSHRC’s annual Storytellers contest challenges postsecondary students to demonstrate—in three minutes or 300 words—how SSHRC-funded research is making a difference in the lives of Canadians. This year’s 25 finalists presented research on a range of important issues, including immigration, national and personal identity, the value of art, child psychology, health, and education. All highlighted how knowledge from the social sciences and humanities helps Canadians understand and improve our society and our global communities.

“Congratulations to all of today’s Storytellers. SSHRC is proud to recognize and reward these students, who stand out as exceptional examples of Canada’s next generation of research communicators,” said Hewitt. “Their investment of creative energy has brought ideas to life in new and inspiring ways, and showcases the positive impact that social sciences and humanities research is having on Canada and the world.”

Left to Right: Allyson Stevenson, Guy Laforest, Michiko Maruyama, Tom Howell, Patricia Bérubé, Michelle Ogrodnik, Dominique Bérubé, Jay Marquis Manicom, Shari Graydon, Galen Watts, Ted Hewitt and Ursula Gobel

The final round of the competition took place in front of a live audience at the 2018 Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences, hosted by the University of Regina in Saskatchewan.

The expert panel of judges included: Dominique Bérubé, vice-president of Research Programs at SSHRC; Shari Graydon, author, journalist and founder of Informed Opinions; Tom Howell, co-producer of CBC Radio’s Ideas; Guy Laforest, president of the Federation for the Humanities and Social Sciences; and Allyson Stevenson, Tier II Canada Research Chair in Indigenous Peoples and Global Social Justice in the Department of Politics and International Studies at the University of Regina

Below is a list of the 25 finalists in this year’s contest, with links to their bios. Video entries by the 2018 Storytellers finalists can be viewed on SSHRC’s YouTube channel.

For media enquiries, contact:

Julia Gualtieri
Media Relations
Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council

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2018 Top 25 Storytellers Finalists

Name Institution Title

Aly Bailey

Brock University

Reshaping the Mind, Not the Body: A Positive Body Image Program

Patricia Bérubé

Université de Montréal

Vers une médiation plus inclusive : la couleur au bout des doigts

Meagan Black

The University of British Columbia

Because One is an L and the Other Isn’t: “Learning Disabled” as Lived Social and Emotional Reality

Evan Bowness

The University of British Columbia

Urban Agrarianism in Florianópolis, Brazil

Meaghen Buckley

Concordia University

Articulations of the Body: Speaking from the Senses in Improvisation

Agnieszka Chalas

Queen’s University

Painting a Portrait of Evaluation in Art Museums

Claire Champigny

York University

Academic Outcomes in Pediatric Stroke

Candace Couse

Brock University

Picturing Illness: Reparative Possibilities in Autobiographical Art Practice

Adam Ellis

University of Toronto

Reconceptualizing Urban Warfare in Canada: Exploring the Relationship between Trauma, Post-Traumatic Stress, and Violence among Combat Soldiers and “Street Soldiers”

Mackenzie (Mack) Enns

Western University

Game Scoring: Software Programming and/as Aleatoric Composition

Mei Lan Fang

Simon Fraser University

Mapping Relocation Experiences: An Exploration of Older Peoples’ Place-Based Histories Through an Intersectionality Lens

Maryam Golafshani

Western University

Why Family Photographs Matter: Hon Lu’s Story and the Family Camera Network

Shannon Herrick

McGill University

Physical Activity Considerations for LGBTQ+ Adults

Eunjeong Eugena Kwon

Western University

Examining the Role of Food Literacy in Shaping Immigrant Integration Experiences in Canada

Christine Labrie

University of Ottawa

Les mères, les normes sociales et le don d'enfant au Québec (1960-1979)

Michelle MacQueen

Carleton University

Critical Constructions of Canadianness: The Tragically Hip and Representations of Canadian Identity

John (Jay) Marquis-Manicom

Concordia University

Exploring the Alt-Right: An Ethnographic Portrait of the Rise of a Movement 

Michiko Maruyama

University of Alberta

Changing the World One Toy at a Time

Michelle Ogrodnik

McMaster University

Can Exercise Breaks Boost Student Learning?

Jeremy (Jay) Olson

McGill University

Influencing the Feeling of Control Using Suggestion and Magic

Svjetlana Oppen

University of Windsor

Going Back to Yugoslavia: Composite Identities of Nation and Self

Eric Powell

Concordia University

Hearing Motion in the Moment: New Approaches to Sound-Based Mapping

Harprit Singh

McGill University

Children's Voices in Medical Assistance in Dying for Minors in Canada

Galen Watts

Queen’s University

The Spirit of Millennials: Community and Citizenship in Canadian Life

Yolanda Weima

York University

Responses to Recurrent Refuge and Return: Burundian Refugees in Tanzania