Women RISE: Research to support women’s health and economic empowerment for an equitable COVID-19 recovery

Women RISE (Women’s health and economic empowerment for a COVID-19 Recovery that is Inclusive, Sustainable and Equitable) is an initiative co-led by the Canadian Institutes of Health Research’s Institute of Population and Public Health, Centre for Research on Pandemic Preparedness and Health Emergencies, Institute of Infection and Immunity, and HIV/AIDS Sexually Transmitted and Blood-Borne Infections Research Initiative, as well as Canada’s International Development Research Centre and Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council.

This new global health initiative will support action-oriented research on how women’s health and their work (paid or unpaid) intersect and interact in the context of preparing, responding to and recovering from COVID-19. Included in this initiative is a funding opportunity that will support research teams that include a lead researcher from a low- or middle-income country, a Canada-based researcher and a decision-maker. Preliminary details are available on the Canadian Institutes of Health Research website.

More information about Women RISE, including upcoming funding opportunities, is available on the International Development Research Centre website.

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