Pre-call announcement: Open Research Area for the social sciences

The partners of the Open Research Area (ORA) are pleased to announce that their eighth joint funding opportunity will be launched in June 2023, with an application deadline in November 2023. This pre-call announcement is being issued to allow interested researchers to begin discussions with potential research partners ahead of the formal launch of the funding opportunity.

The ORA was created to strengthen international co-operation in social sciences by funding high-quality scientific research projects. The Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) will support the participation of Canadian researchers from all disciplines of the social sciences and humanities.

Four funding organizations will participate in this eighth ORA competition: the Agence nationale de la recherche (ANR), France; the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG), Germany; the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC), United Kingdom; and SSHRC, Canada. SSHRC will coordinate this eighth call for proposals.

Proposals will be accepted for research projects in any area of the social sciences. Proposals must involve researchers from at least three of the four main participating countries (Canada, France, Germany and the UK). Projects must involve integrated collaboration between partners from at least three countries. Stand-alone projects in different countries will not be admissible. Proposals are expected to make an original and significant contribution to scientific knowledge.

The Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) will be an associate partner by providing an independent funding opportunity to support Japanese partners’ participation in ORA projects. Following the ORA competition, if the Japanese partners involved in the successful proposals wish to take advantage of the funding opportunity, they can submit separate applications to JSPS through their affiliated research institutions for assessment.

Application process

Proposals for this funding opportunity will be submitted through SSHRC’s Convergence Portal. Detailed guidance on how to apply will be provided with the publication of the funding opportunity documents.

The upcoming ORA funding opportunity will follow a one-stage procedure, consisting of a single, full proposal.

Provisional timetable

The full funding opportunity announcement will be launched in June 2023 on the websites of the participating funding organizations. The closing date for proposals will be in November 2023. The application specifications and relevant documentation, including timetable, will be provided when the funding opportunity is officially launched. We will not be able to provide additional information in advance of its publication.

Further information

For general information, or to be notified when the call is announced, contact:

If you have further questions, contact:

Canada, SSHRC

France, ANR
Maria Tsilioni
Tel.: +33 1 73 54 83 04

Germany, DFG
Sigrid Claßen
Tel.: +49 228 885-2209

Christiane Joerk
Tel.: +49 228 885-2451

United Kingdom, ESRC

Japan, JSPS

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