Online Prices for Computing Standards of Living Across Countries
A collaboration among an international group of economists using online prices, available from the Billion Prices Project at MIT, to study standards of living across countries.
Canada (SSHRC) Walter Erwin Diewert, The University of British Columbia
The Netherlands (NWO) Robert Inklaar, University of Groningen
United States (NSF) Robert Feenstra, University of California
Analyzing Child Language Experiences Around the World
An international collaboration among linguists and speech experts to study child language development across nations and cultures to gain a better understanding of how an infant’s environment affects subsequent language ability.
Canada (SSHRC, NSERC) Melanie Soderstrom, University of Manitoba
Argentina (MINCyT) Celia Rosemberg, CONICET
Finland (AKA) Okko Räsänen, Aalto University
France (ANR) Emmanuel Dupoux, École Normale Supérieure
United Kingdom (ESRC/AHRC) Björn Schuller, Imperial College London
United States (NEH) Elika Bergelson, Duke University
Theoretical and Empirical Modeling of Identity and Sentiments in Collaborative Groups
An interdisciplinary research project on the motivations of self-organized collaborations and determinates of their success, through a large-scale study of the scholarly networks and open source software development projects housed on the GitHub repository. The project team includes scholars from sociology, cognitive science, computer science and engineering.
Canada (SSHRC, NSERC) Jesse Hoey, University of Waterloo
Germany (DFG) Tobias Schroeder, Potsdam University of Applied Sciences
United States (NSF) Kimberly B. Rogers, Dartmouth College
SPeech Across Dialects of English (SPADE): large-scale digital analysis of a spoken language across space and time
A research collaboration to develop and apply user-friendly software for large-scale speech analysis of 43 existing public and private speech datasets and to understand how English speech has changed over time and space. These diverse datasets are comprised of both Old World (British Isles) and New World (North American) English across an effective time span of over 100 years.
Canada (SSHRC/NSERC) Morgan Sonderegger, McGill University
United Kingdom (AHRC/ESRC) Jane Stuart-Smith, University of Glasgow
United States (NSF) Jeffrey Mielke, North Carolina State University
Digging into the Knowledge Graph
An international collaboration of library and information scientists studying how Linked Open Data, a technique for publishing online data, can improve storage methods for humanities and social science data. Projects in musicology and economics will serve as use cases for this research.
Canada (SSHRC) Rick Szostak, University of Alberta
The Netherlands (NWO) Andrea Scharnhorst, Data Archiving and Networked Services
United States (IMLS) Richard Smiraglia, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
Machine Translation and Automated Analysis of Cuneiform Languages
A collaboration among ancient studies scholars, linguists, and computer scientists to develop computational techniques for translating ancient administrative records stored on cuneiform tablets.
Canada (SSHRC) Heather D. Baker, University of Toronto
Germany (DFG) Christian Chiarcos, University of Frankfurt
United States (NEH) Robert K. Englund, University of California