Bishop’s University |
Martin-Brule, Sarah-Myriam - Bishop’s University |
$43,155 |
Trained to Share: Challenges for United Nations Peacekeeping Intelligence |
Collège de Maisonneuve |
Vallée, Jean-François - Collège de Maisonneuve |
$26,100 |
La Cymbale du monde numérique |
Concordia University |
Cucinelli, Giuliana - Concordia University |
$50,333 |
Davidson, Ann-Louise - Concordia University (co-applicant) |
Hoechsmann, Michael - Lakehead University (collaborator) |
Digital Device Practices and Policies in Quebec and Ontario K-12 Schools for Learning and Living |
Hetherington, Kregg - Concordia University |
$72,416 |
Bakke, Gretchen - McGill University (co-applicant) |
Furlong, Kathryn - Université de Montréal (collaborator) |
Halpern, Orit - Concordia University (collaborator) |
Myers, Natasha - York University (collaborator) |
Warren, Jean-Philippe - Concordia University (collaborator) |
Re-energizing Québec |
Mangen, Claudin - Concordia University |
$43,962 |
Audousset-Coulier, Sophie - Concordia University (co-applicant) |
All on Board? The Politics of Power in Women’s Transition to Corporate Leadership |
Mayer, Jean François - Concordia University |
$57,304 |
Fighting invisibility: The repertoire of everyday forms of resistance to routinized violence among domestic workers in Brazil |
Moses, Omri - Concordia University |
$43,092 |
The Open Mind: Literature and Extended Cognition |
O’Toole, Emer - Concordia University |
$22,887 |
Activism, Aesthetics and State Ideology in Contemporary Irish Theatre |
Prakash, Rajshree - Concordia University |
$44,391 |
Kwon, Winston - University of Edinburgh (co-applicant) |
Paquin, Raymond - Concordia University (co-applicant) |
Empowering Communities: The role of intentional work in addressing inequality |
Qashu, Leila - Concordia University |
$74,836 |
Digital Representations of Resistance: using participatory video to document young Arsi Oromo women’s challenges and expressive strategies for change in Ethiopia |
Reilly, Rosemary - Concordia University |
$59,386 |
Using research-informed theatre to develop local governmental responses and policies for trauma in communities |
Yao, Li - Concordia University |
$46,985 |
Wang, Jin - Wilfrid Laurier University (co-applicant) |
The Impact of Technological Spillover and Competition on Real Earnings Management |
Zilberstein, Anya - Concordia University |
$45,370 |
Flight Paths: Early Ornithology and Theories of Global Migration |
École nationale d’administration publique |
Savard, Jean-François - École nationale d’administration publique |
$67,505 |
Lackenbauer, P. Whitney - St. Jerome’s University (co-applicant) |
Roussel, Stéphane - École nationale d’administration publique (co-applicant) |
La perception des Autochtones des Forces canadiennes comme élément explicatif de leur faible représentation |
HEC Montréal |
Durand, Aurelia - HEC Montréal |
$52,570 |
Action Canada: what motivates individuals to (further) engage with the country? |
Harvey, Jean-François - HEC Montréal |
$64,650 |
Edmondson, Amy - Harvard Business School (co-applicant) |
Learning and Problem Space in Innovation Project Teams |
Langley, Ann - HEC Montréal |
$57,687 |
Basque, Joelle - HEC Montréal (collaborator) |
Sergi, Viviane - Université du Québec à Montréal (co-applicant) |
The ghost in the enterprise: Founder influence beyond the grave |
Paquette, Julie - HEC Montréal |
$40,500 |
Stratégies des transporteurs routiers canadiens |
McGill University |
Bassellier, Genevieve - McGill University |
$56,805 |
Ramaprasad, Jui - McGill University (co-applicant) |
Dissuading digital piracy on online platform through persuasive computing |
Berman, Anna - McGill University |
$55,653 |
Family Plots in the Nineteenth-Century Russian Novel |
Capozzi, Francesca - McGill University |
$53,305 |
Ristic, Jelena - McGill University (co-applicant) |
The language of the eyes: Translating social hierarchies from groups to individuals |
Carter, Mindy - McGill University |
$57,300 |
Belliveau, George - The University of British Columbia (collaborator) |
Chaine, Francine - Université Laval (collaborator) |
Coffin-Caputo, Carolyn - No primary affiliation (collaborator) |
Conrad, Diane - University of Alberta (collaborator) |
Handiak, Linda - No primary affiliation (collaborator) |
Howden, Jim - McGill University (collaborator) |
MacCuish, Derek - No primary affiliation (collaborator) |
Mitchell, Claudia - McGill University (collaborator) |
Norris, Joe - Brock University (collaborator) |
Prendergast, Monica - University of Victoria (collaborator) |
Mapping drama and theatre strategies and the impact of play building with in-service teachers exploring Aboriginal issues |
Collin-Vézina, Delphine - McGill University |
$64,890 |
Daigneault, Isabelle - Université de Montréal (co-applicant) |
Esposito, Tonino - Université de Montréal (co-applicant) |
Rothwell, David - Oregon State University (collaborator) |
Trocme, Nico - McGill University (co-applicant) |
Valeur sociale et économique de centres d’intervention communautaires visant des clientèles vulnérables d’enfants, de jeunes et de leurs familles |
Doering, Laura - McGill University |
$58,221 |
Building Financial and Social Capital: Savings and Lending Groups in Colombian Housing Projects |
Dory, Valérie - McGill University |
$44,325 |
Cummings, Beth-Ann - McGill University (collaborator) |
Danoff, Deborah - McGill University (co-applicant) |
Gomez-Garibello, Carlos - McGill University (co-applicant) |
Orjuela-Laverde, Maria - McGill University (collaborator) |
Plotnick, Laurie - McGill University (co-applicant) |
Young, Meredith - McGill University (co-applicant) |
Assessor cognition in longitudinal performance-based assessment: the impact of sharing information regarding learners’ previous performance |
Dubé, Adam - McGill University |
$68,544 |
Are tablet math games helping or hindering children's flexible mathematical problem solving? |
Ehret, Christian - McGill University |
$63,731 |
Bebbington, Sandra - No primary affiliation (collaborator) |
Dupuis, Caroline - No primary affiliation (collaborator) |
Hollett, Tyler - Pennsylvania State University (collaborator) |
Investigating the participation gap and opportunities to learn with mobile media across home and high school |
Eidlin, Carl - McGill University |
$68,000 |
Wilmers, Nathan - Harvard University (collaborator) |
Does Democracy Pay? Determinants of Organizational Effectiveness in Labour Unions |
Ellis, Jaye - McGill University |
$63,326 |
Regulation of uncertain environmental law: Public and private law synergies |
Elrick, Jennifer - McGill University |
$61,251 |
Boswell, Christina - University of Edinburgh (collaborator) |
Satzewich, Victor - McMaster University (collaborator) |
Determining the Role of Immigration Bureaucracies in Immigration Control: A Historical Case Study of Canada, 1952-1976 |
Henry, Chriscinda - McGill University |
$64,155 |
Appropriating Italy: Imagery of Italian Travel Before the Grand Tour |
Hunter, Matthew - McGill University |
$60,749 |
The Actuarial Imagination: Insurance and Anglo-American Art, c. 1690-1860 |
Kahn, Sarilee - McGill University |
$65,277 |
Toward a Model of Sexual/Gender Identity Acculturation for Sexual and Gender Minority Migrants |
Kong, Hoi - McGill University |
$57,311 |
The North American Commission for Environmental Cooperation: Transnational Organizations and Network Governance in Theory and Practice |
Liu, Xiao - McGill University |
$69,430 |
Informatics, Technocultural Imaginations, and Postsocialist Politics in China |
Lyster, Roy - McGill University |
$68,439 |
Klein, Denise - McGill University (collaborator) |
Lee, Andrew - McGill University (collaborator) |
Liakina, Natallia - McGill University (collaborator) |
The missing links in the acquisition of grammatical gender by second language learners of French |
Raynor, Cecily - McGill University |
$37,368 |
The Digital Geographies of the Hispanic World |
Robinson, Brian - McGill University |
$74,966 |
Barrington-Leigh, Christopher - McGill University (co-applicant) |
Baumgartner, Jill - McGill University (collaborator) |
Carter, Ellison - Colorado State University (collaborator) |
Yang, Xudong - Tsinghua University (co-applicant) |
Evaluating sustainable household energy transitions in a large-scale program in Beijing, China |
Shor, Eran - McGill University |
$62,361 |
A Comparative Analysis of Counterterrorist Legislation and its Consequences in Five Democracies |
Wang, Juan - McGill University |
$64,911 |
Local Evolution of The Police Power in China |
Weinberg, Anna - McGill University |
$72,200 |
Dirks, Melanie - McGill University (co-applicant) |
Human, Lauren - McGill University (collaborator) |
Rose, Amanda - University of Missouri - Columbia (collaborator) |
You scratch my back, I'll scratch yours: Exploring the roles behavioral and neural responses to prosocial behavior play in the development of healthy friendships |
Université de Montréal |
Caron, Roxane - Université de Montréal |
$71,248 |
Blain, Marie-Jeanne - Institut national de la recherche scientifique (co-applicant) |
Rodriguez del Barrio, Lourdes - Université de Montréal (co-applicant) |
Rufagari, Marie-Claire - No primary affiliation (collaborator) |
Parcours migratoires et repères identitaires de personnes réfugiées syriennes: perspective transnationale du Liban au Québec |
Dassonneville, Ruth - Université de Montréal |
$44,370 |
Elections as a Linkage Mechanism between Public Opinion and Policy Outcomes: A Comparative Longitudinal Analysis |
Fauveaud, Gabriel - Université de Montréal |
$72,485 |
Le façonnement de l’urbain : pratiques immobilières et nouveaux territoires périurbains à Phnom Penh (Cambodge) |
Fernandez, Nicolas - Université de Montréal |
$71,225 |
Vers une modélisation du savoir-agir complexe sous-jacent à la pratique de collaboration interprofessionnelle |
Fleming, Luke - Université de Montréal |
$41,984 |
The Sociolinguistics of Small-Scale Societies: A Pilot Study on Honorific Pronouns |
Forest, Dominic - Université de Montréal |
$64,669 |
Mas, Sabine - Université de Montréal (co-applicant) |
Exploration et analyse comparative des méthodes d'indexation automatique par assignation de mots-clés |
Gagnon, Chantal - Université de Montréal |
$58,578 |
Gouverner par la traduction : le cas des budgets canadiens |
Gervasi, Flavia - Université de Montréal |
$68,922 |
Musiques du monde, création et rencontre : comment les politiques culturelles territoriales réalisent le dialogue interculturel par le festival La Notte della Taranta |
Godefroy, Raphael - Université de Montréal |
$63,329 |
Lewis, Joshua - Université de Montréal (co-applicant) |
Determinants of productivity loss in agriculture: Evidence from 9 million plots of lands |
Godrie, Baptiste - Université de Montréal |
$40,194 |
Repenser la hiérarchisation des savoirs. Le croisement des savoirs expérientiels et professionnels dans l’intervention sociale à Montréal (Québec) et à Grenoble (France) |
Hall, Ingrid - Université de Montréal |
$59,790 |
L’autochtonie environnementale. Le « patrimoine bioculturel » des pommes de terre natives du Pérou |
Kaminska, Aleksandra - Université de Montréal |
$41,986 |
Authenticating People and Things: Technical Materials and Media Convergence in the Search for Security |
Karsenti, Thierry - Université de Montréal |
$66,500 |
Bugmann, Julien - Université de Montréal (collaborator) |
Collin, Simon - Université du Québec à Montréal (co-applicant) |
Fortier, Yvan - No primary affiliation (collaborator) |
Frenette, Emmanuelle - No primary affiliation (collaborator) |
Goyer, Sophie - Université de Montréal (collaborator) |
Quel est l'apport de l'usage d'un robot humanoïde pour la réussite éducative des élèves de l'adaptation scolaire? |
Levert, Marie-Josée - Université de Montréal |
$67,120 |
Berger Valérie - No primary affiliation (collaborator) |
Desjardins, Michel - University of Saskatchewan (co-applicant) |
Fortin, Marie-Andrée - No primary affiliation (collaborator) |
Lefebvre, Hélène - Université de Montréal (co-applicant) |
Lussier, Marie-Thérèse - Université de Montréal (co-applicant) |
Mélanie Levasseur, Mélanie - Université de Sherbrooke (co-applicant) |
Michallet, Bernard - Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières (co-applicant) |
Richard, Claude - No primary affiliation (collaborator) |
Mieux comprendre la pratique de l’accompagnement-citoyen en soutien à la participation sociale de populations fragilisées |
Vitali Rosati, Marcello - Université de Montréal |
$67,095 |
Bouchard, Elsa - Université de Montréal (co-applicant) |
Crane, Gregory - Universität Leipzig (collaborator) |
Pour une édition collaborative de l'Anthologie Palatine |
Zhou, Han-Ru - Université de Montréal |
$57,339 |
Towards an Integrated Approach to Comparative Canadian-US Constitutional Law |
Université de Sherbrooke |
Beaucher, Chantale - Université de Sherbrooke |
$65,905 |
Beaupré, Sylvain - Université du Québec en Abitibi-Témiscamingue (collaborator) |
Coulombe, Sandra - Université du Québec à Chicoutimi (co-applicant) |
Doucet, Manon - Université du Québec à Chicoutimi (co-applicant) |
Gagnon, Claudia - Université de Sherbrooke (co-applicant) |
Maltais, Danielle - Université du Québec à Chicoutimi (co-applicant) |
Portrait des caractéristiques et des besoins des élèves ayant des besoins particuliers en formation professionnelle au Québec et pratiques professionnelles des intervenants |
Desjardins, Marie-Claude - Université de Sherbrooke |
$67,435 |
Makela, Finn - Université de Sherbrooke (co-applicant) |
Étude d'effectivité de la certification équitable des bananes en République dominicaine sur la liberté d'association |
Fortin, Véronique - Université de Sherbrooke |
$59,321 |
Bellot, Céline - Université de Montréal (co-applicant) |
Chesnay, Catherine - Université du Québec à Montréal (co-applicant) |
Greissler, Élisabeth - Université de Montréal (co-applicant) |
Les pratiques punitives au sein du système d’aide sociale: ampleur, effets et défense de droits |
Hasni, Abdelkrim - Université de Sherbrooke |
$58,542 |
Dumais, Nancy - Université de Sherbrooke (co-applicant) |
Quelles formations aux controverses socio-scientifiques à l'université? Exemples issus de la virologie-immunologie |
Paquette, Geneviève - Université de Sherbrooke |
$60,073 |
Couvrette, Amélie - Université du Québec en Outaouais (co-applicant) |
Lanctôt, Nadine - Université de Sherbrooke (co-applicant) |
La maternité précoce chez les adolescentes placées en centre de protection de l'enfance: profils de difficultés et besoins de ces jeunes mères |
Université du Québec à Chicoutimi |
Brault, Marie-Christine - Université du Québec à Montréal |
$67,214 |
Janosz, Michel - Université de Montréal (co-applicant) |
Van Houtte, Mieke - Gent University (co-applicant) |
Étude détaillée des facteurs de l'environnement scolaire dans l’identification et l’étiquetage des élèves sous la catégorie Trouble du déficit de l’attention/hyperactivité (TDAH): comparaisons d'écoles québécoises et flamandes |
Monney, Nicole - Université du Québec à Montréal |
$41,021 |
Couture, Christine - Université du Québec à Chicoutimi (co-applicant) |
Duquette, Catherine - Université du Québec à Chicoutimi (co-applicant) |
Les pratiques d'évaluation et de rétroactions des enseignants du primaire en univers social et en science et technologie : de la planification des objets d’apprentissage au bilan des apprentissages |
Parent, Anne Martine - Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières |
$66,741 |
Delvaux, Martine - Université du Québec à Montréal (co-applicant) |
Lavigne, Julie - Université du Québec à Montréal (co-applicant) |
Le sexe à l'écran. Représentation de la sexualité des femmes dans les séries télévisées |
Université du Québec à Montréal |
Bélanger, Anouk - Université du Québec à Montréal |
$63,932 |
Lussier, Martin - Université du Québec à Montréal (co-applicant) |
Nouveaux acteurs, nouveaux métiers de la culture : musique et audiovisuel |
Bourdeau, Simon - Université du Québec à Montréal |
$23,557 |
IS Project Alignment: The Complementarity of Behavioural Science and Design Science |
Courcy, Isabelle - Université du Québec à Montréal |
$60,634 |
des Rivières-Pigeon, Catherine - Université du Québec à Montréal (co-applicant) |
White, Deena - Université de Montréal (co-applicant) |
Les personnes adultes autistes rencontrant des défis dans l’utilisation du langage verbal : une démarche méthodologique adaptée pour élucider leurs perspectives et expériences |
Cyr, Chantal - Université du Québec à Montréal |
$74,777 |
Bussières, Eve-Line - Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières (co-applicant) |
Dubois-Comtois, Karine - Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières (co-applicant) |
Stipanicic, Annie - Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières (co-applicant) |
Sensibilité parentale et attachement chez des enfants présentant un trouble du spectre de l'autisme: Une étude quasi-expérimentale |
Degan, Arianna - Université du Québec à Montréal |
$45,673 |
Xie, Huan - Concordia University (co-applicant) |
Favors exchange: Theory and Evidence |
Dubeau, Annie - Université du Québec à Montréal |
$40,980 |
Chochard, Yves - Université du Québec à Montréal (co-applicant) |
Plante, Isabelle - Université du Québec à Montréal (co-applicant) |
Examen de la validité d’un modèle théorique explicatif de la persévérance et la réussite en FP: une étude pilote |
Dumais, Lucie - Université du Québec à Montréal |
$51,466 |
Gazzoi, Patricia - Université du Québec à Montréal (collaborator) |
Jetté, Christian - Université de Montréal (co-applicant) |
Lefèvre, Sylvain - Université du Québec à Montréal (co-applicant) |
Le rôle des fondations dans le secteur des services à domicile et aux proches aidants |
Düppe, Till - Université du Québec à Montréal |
$63,008 |
Boldyrev, Ivan - Ruhr-Universitat Bochum (co-applicant) |
Prévost, Jean-Guy - Université du Québec à Montréal (co-applicant) |
Historical Studies on Economic Knowledge in Socialism |
Frangi, Lorenzo - Université du Québec à Montréal |
$54,976 |
Hebdon, Robert - McGill University (co-applicant) |
Peters, John - Laurentian University (collaborator) |
Renewing Unions as Social Movements: from declared Support to Activism in Canadian society |
Landry, Guylaine - Université du Québec à Montréal |
$54,708 |
Chadwick, Ingrid - Concordia University (co-applicant) |
Panaccio, Alexandra - Concordia University (co-applicant) |
Improving interns’ learning of 21st century skills: Contributing factors |
Lussier, Martin - Université du Québec à Montréal |
$56,138 |
Pratiques quotidiennes des travailleurs culturels institutionnels et associatifs au Québec : pour comprendre le développement partenarial en culture. Le cas des « cellules régionales d’innovation en médiation culturelle » |
Pageot, Edith-Anne - Université du Québec à Montréal |
$62,543 |
Callison, Camille - University of Manitoba Libraries (collaborator) |
Nally, Peter - McGill University (collaborator) |
La culture artistique au Collège Manitou : agentivité et stratégies d’autodétermination |
Robichaud, Arianne - Université du Québec à Montréal |
$70,409 |
LeVasseur, Louis - Université Laval (co-applicant) |
Tardif, Maurice - Université de Montréal (co-applicant) |
Nouvelle Gestion Publique (NGP) et Gestion axée sur les résultats (GAR) en éducation : vers une meilleure compréhension des impacts des politiques éducatives sur le travail enseignant |
Schattke, Kaspar Philipp - Université du Québec à Montréal |
$66,513 |
Grégoire, Simon - Université du Québec à Montréal (co-applicant) |
Schultheiss, Oliver - Friedrich-Alexander Universitat-Erlangen-Nurnberg (co-applicant) |
Taylor, Geneviève - Université du Québec à Montréal (co-applicant) |
Mind Your Motives, Mind Your Goals: Does a Mindfulness Manipulation Increase Motive-Congruent Goal-Setting? |
Thériault, Joseph Yvon - Université du Québec à Montréal |
$69,757 |
Laniel, Jean-François - Université du Québec à Montréal (collaborator) |
Meunier, E.-Martin - 65 rue Université (collaborator) |
Nationalisme transfrontalier dans l’espace post-canadien-français. |
Uhl, Magali - Université du Québec à Montréal |
$53,960 |
Quels apports de la sociologie visuelle pour saisir les mutations de la ville canadienne au 21ème siècle ? Le cas du campus urbain intégré Emily Carr à Vancouver |
Véronneau-McArdle, Marie-Hélène - Université du Québec à Montréal |
$59,940 |
Barker, Erin - Concordia University (co-applicant) |
Boudreault, Henri - Université du Québec à Montréal (collaborator) |
Recchia, Holly - Concordia University (co-applicant) |
Serbin, Lisa - Concordia University (co-applicant) |
Stack, Dale - Concordia University (co-applicant) |
Le rôle de la compétence émotionnelle pour favoriser la réussite scolaire des élèves en formation professionnelle |
Université du Québec à Rimouski |
Flynn, Catherine - Université du Québec à Rimouski |
$71,208 |
Côté, Philippe-Benoit - Université du Québec à Montréal (co-applicant) |
Cousineau, Marie-Marthe - Université de Montréal (co-applicant) |
Damant, Dominique - Université de Montréal (collaborator) |
Gélineau, Lucie - Université du Québec à Rimouski (collaborator) |
Lapierre, Simon - University of Ottawa (co-applicant) |
Violences faites aux femmes du Bas-Saint-Laurent et de la Gaspésie-Îles-de-la-Madeleine - Mieux comprendre les besoins pour prévenir l'itinérance et en faciliter la sortie |
Poirier, Martine - Université du Québec à Rimouski |
$70,500 |
Déry, Michèle - Université de Sherbrooke (co-applicant) |
Temcheff, Caroline - Université de Sherbrooke (co-applicant) |
Associations longitudinales entre les symptômes dépressifs et les problèmes de comportement : persistance des difficultés de l’enfance à l’adolescence et caractéristiques adaptatives au tournant de l’âge adulte |
Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières |
Austin, Stéphanie - Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières |
$46,500 |
Carbonneau, Noémie - Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières (co-applicant) |
Fernet, Claude - Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières (co-applicant) |
Miquelon, Paule - Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières (co-applicant) |
Trépanier, Sarah-Geneviève - Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières (co-applicant) |
Travail, vie personnelle et pratiques de gestion : comment les concilier pour optimiser le bien-être psychologique des travailleurs parents et/ou proches-aidants? |
Bachand, Marise - Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières |
$45,259 |
Dans le salon d'Octavia Walton Le Vert: Hétérosociabilité et politiques whigs dans le Sud urbain à l'époque de la guerre civile |
Berthelot, Nicolas - Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières |
$70,333 |
Ensink, Karin - Université Laval (co-applicant) |
Lemieux, Roxanne - Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières (co-applicant) |
Muzik, Maria - University of Michigan, Ann Arbor (collaborator) |
Évaluation de la mentalisation auprès des adultes ayant une histoire d'abus ou de négligence en enfance |
Dionne, Frederick - Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières |
$52,073 |
Bouchard, Stéphane - Université du Québec en Outaouais (collaborator) |
Grégoire, Simon - Université du Québec à Montréal (collaborator) |
Rousseau, Nadia - Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières (collaborator) |
Cesser de remettre les tâches scolaires au lendemain : évaluation d'un programme d'intervention en ligne pour réduire la procrastination chez les étudiants post-secondaires |
Gagnon-Girouard, Marie-Pierre - Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières |
$52,019 |
Brisson, Benoit - Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières (co-applicant) |
Monthuy-Blanc, Johana - Université du Québec (co-applicant) |
L'impact de l'acceptabilité sociale des préjugés corporels sur le traitement explicite et implicite de l'information |
Poitras, Karine - Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières |
$71,160 |
Chateauneuf, Doris - Centre jeunesse de Québec - Institut Universitaire (co-applicant) |
Hélie, Sonia - Université de Montréal (co-applicant) |
Poirier, Marie-Andrée - Université de Montréal (co-applicant) |
Simard, Marie-Claude - Université Laval (co-applicant) |
Trajectoires-types de placement : liens avec les caractéristiques individuelles et familiales et les services reçus |
Université du Québec en Outaouais |
Bissonnette, Jean-François - Université du Québec en Outaouais |
$65,207 |
Bouthillier, Luc - Université Laval (co-applicant) |
Chiasson, Guy - Université du Québec en Outaouais (co-applicant) |
Dupras, Jérôme - Université du Québec en Outaouais (co-applicant) |
Prévost, Louis - 360pi Corporation (collaborator) |
Senay, Dany - No primary affiliation (collaborator) |
Shaw, Terry - No primary affiliation (collaborator) |
Teitelbaum, Sara - Université de Montréal (co-applicant) |
Analyse des approches de gouvernance en foresterie communautaire : étude comparative des modes de participation publique au Québec et en Ontario |
Boutonnet, Vincent - Université du Québec en Outaouais |
$31,465 |
Arsenault, Dominic - Université de Montréal (co-applicant) |
Éthier, Marc-André - Université de Montréal (co-applicant) |
Lefrançois, David - Université du Québec en Outaouais (co-applicant) |
Usages publics et didactiques d'un jeu vidéo historique: étude d'Assassin's Creed |
Charron, Mathieu - Université du Québec en Outaouais |
$65,785 |
Perron-Dufour, Mathieu - Université du Québec en Outaouais (co-applicant) |
Shearmur, Richard - McGill University (co-applicant) |
Les inégalité spatiales de revenu à l'échelle des voisinages et des régions |
Jacques, Claudine - Université du Québec en Outaouais |
$53,185 |
Mottron, Laurent - Université de Montréal (co-applicant) |
Soulières, Isabelle - Université du Québec à Montréal (co-applicant) |
Caractériser l’éventail des expressions émotionnelles des enfants autistes d’âge préscolaire exposés à une Situation de Stimulation en privilégiant des cotateurs experts |
Kammoun, Manel - Université du Québec en Outaouais |
$41,682 |
Chrétien, Stéphane - Université Laval (co-applicant) |
Performance Evaluation Disagreement: The Impact of Fund Characteristics, Managerial Skills and Fund Flows. |
Loum, Ndiaga - Université du Québec en Outaouais |
$66,490 |
Aubin, France - Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières (collaborator) |
Corriveau, Raymond - Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières (co-applicant) |
Sénécal, Michel - Télé-université (co-applicant) |
Relations de pouvoirs entre le champ de la communication médiatique et le champ politique: études approfondies de deux (2) cas |
Salvas, Marie-Claude - Université du Québec en Outaouais |
$71,083 |
Archambault, Isabelle - Université de Montréal (co-applicant) |
Cantin, Stéphane - Université de Montréal (co-applicant) |
Guimond, Fanny-Alexandra - Université du Québec en Abitibi-Témiscamingue (co-applicant) |
Robert-Mazaye, Christelle - Université du Québec en Outaouais (co-applicant) |
Vitaro, Frank - Université de Montréal (co-applicant) |
La contribution des relations amicales et des pratiques éducatives dans l’engagement et la réussite en début de scolarité : une étude longitudinale-explicative |
Turcotte, Sandrine - Université du Québec en Outaouais |
$61,473 |
April, Johanne - Université du Québec en Outaouais (co-applicant) |
Lanaris, Ekaterini - Université du Québec en Outaouais (co-applicant) |
Robert-Mazaye, Christelle - Université du Québec en Outaouais (co-applicant) |
Pratiques des enseignantes en sciences à la maternelle dans une perspective de développement global: état des lieux et analyse de l'activité |
Université Laval |
Bégin, Catherine - Université Laval |
$56,205 |
Dion, Jacinthe - Université du Québec à Chicoutimi (co-applicant) |
Gagnon-Girouard, Marie-Pierre - Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières (co-applicant) |
Lemieux, Simone - Université Laval (co-applicant) |
Examen de l’expérience de stigmatisation liée au poids corporel au sein du couple |
Bélanger, Danièle - Université Laval |
$71,950 |
Atak, Idil - Ryerson University (collaborator) |
Beyaztas, Kadir - No primary affiliation (collaborator) |
Erdogan-Ertorer, Secil - York University (collaborator) |
Karababa Kayaligil, Pinar - No primary affiliation (collaborator) |
Pendakis, Katherine - Western University (collaborator) |
Saraçoğlu, Cenk - Ankara University (co-applicant) |
Syrian Refugees and Turkish Host Communities: a study of informal actors |
Bodet, Marc-André - Université Laval |
$62,516 |
Gélineau, François - Université Laval (co-applicant) |
Thomas, Melanee - University of Calgary (co-applicant) |
Tolley, Erin - University of Toronto (co-applicant) |
How much of electoral politics is local? |
Déméné, Claudia - Université Laval |
$58,658 |
Identification des conditions d’efficacité d’un affichage environnemental de la durée de vie estimée des produits électroniques par une intervention du design |
Dorval, Michel * - Université Laval |
$64,626 |
Chiquette, Jocelyne - Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Québec (collaborator) |
El Haffaf, Zaki - Centre hospitalier de l'université de Montréal (collaborator) |
Fradet, Vincent - Université Laval (collaborator) |
Joly, Yann - McGill University (co-applicant) |
Nabi, Hermann - Université Laval (co-applicant) |
Préférences sociétales concernant la divulgation des découvertes fortuites issues de la génomique clinique : Perspectives de patients atteints de cancer et de la population générale |
Dospinescu, Liviu - Université Laval |
$65,000 |
L’exode syrien dans le théâtre du réel : Vers une forme de ritualité sociale |
Dufays, Arnaud - Université Laval |
$55,494 |
Modelling Financial contagions with Artificial Neural networks |
Eaves, James - Université Laval |
$75,000 |
Cardou, Philippe - Université Laval (co-applicant) |
Dorais, Martine - Université Laval (co-applicant) |
Comparing the economic performance of a greenhouse to a vertical farm in several First Nation Communities |
F.-Dufour, Isabelle - Université Laval |
$43,575 |
Arseneault, Catherine - Université Laval (collaborator) |
Marcotte, Julie - Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières (co-applicant) |
L'impact des programmes correctionnels éducatifs, vocationnels et réhabilitatifs sur les trajectoires de persistance et de désistement du crime de jeunes adultes incarcérés au Québec. |
Gagnon, Marie-Hélène - Université Laval |
$55,800 |
Power, Gabriel - Université Laval (co-applicant) |
Forward looking portfolio allocation in Canada : accounting for the financialization of commodities |
Jackson, Philip - Université Laval |
$74,762 |
Tremblay, Pascale - Université Laval (co-applicant) |
Assessing intergeneration differences in social interaction with virtual realitye |
Lloyd, Stephanie - Université Laval |
$63,736 |
Friedner, Michele - State University of New York at Stony Brook (co-applicant) |
When Deaf People Hear: A Study at the Intersection of Neuroplasticity, Technological Interventions, and Experiences in the Grey Zone of Deaf and Hearing |
Maclure, Jocelyn - Université Laval |
$26,077 |
Dumont, Isabelle - Université du Québec à Montréal (co-applicant) |
L'objection de conscience des médecins dans le contexte de l'aide médicale à mourir. Une étude normative et qualitative |
Peters, Valerie - Université Laval |
$67,955 |
Baudry, Claire - Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières (co-applicant) |
Boucher, Hélène - McGill University (co-applicant) |
Creech, Andrea - Université Laval (co-applicant) |
Nadeau, Danielle - Université Laval (co-applicant) |
How musical learning acts as a protective factor, contributing to the development of socio-emotional competence for vulnerable populations |
St-Germain, Daphney - Université Laval |
$59,935 |
Bélanger, Lynda - Université Laval (co-applicant) |
Gagnon, Caroline - Université Laval (co-applicant) |
Approche de design et formation des infirmiers(ères) à la sécurité des patients: élaboration d'un portfolio professionnel “réflexif” pour une continuité plus efficace des compétences entre le milieu académique et le milieu de travail |
Takeda, Hirotoshi - Université Laval |
$58,170 |
Corbett, Jacqueline - Université Laval (co-applicant) |
Exploring the Impact and Value Creation Process of Multi-Actor Open Data Initiatives |
Viviers, Simon - Université Laval |
$64,397 |
Bourassa, Bruno - Université Laval (co-applicant) |
Dionne, Patricia - Université de Sherbrooke (co-applicant) |
Picard, France - Université Laval (co-applicant) |
Analyse de l'activité de collaboration interprofessionnelle des professionnels non enseignants: point de vue de l'expérience du métier de conseiller d'orientation |
Brock University |
Lei, Jin - Brock University |
$25,968 |
Qiu, Jiaping - McMaster University (co-applicant) |
Credit Risk Spillovers and Corporate Financial Policies |
Steinbauer, Robert - Brock University |
$54,770 |
Biggane, Jonathan - California State University, Fresno (collaborator) |
Chen, Hsuan Shawna - Brock University (co-applicant) |
Menzies, Teresa - Brock University (co-applicant) |
How do mentors affect student entrepreneur proteges' moral cognition and ethical conduct? |
Zinga, Dawn - Brock University |
$63,865 |
Connolly, Maureen - Brock University (collaborator) |
Molnar, Danielle - Brock University (co-applicant) |
Why do competitive dancers commit to dance? Exploring the lived experiences of young competitive dancers within a motivational framework |
Carleton University |
Appel Kuzmarov, Betina - Carleton University |
$50,991 |
Butler, Deidre - Carleton University (co-applicant) |
Joseph, Norma - Concordia University (collaborator) |
Troubling Orthopraxies: A Study of Jewish Divorce in Canada |
Bivens, Rena - Carleton University |
$55,551 |
Imagining the Future with Speculative Design: Reconfiguring How We Think, Talk, and Intervene in the Problem of Sexual Violence |
Casteel, Sarah - Carleton University |
$48,056 |
Josef Nassy's Black Holocaust Art |
Evans, Jennifer - Carleton University |
$54,641 |
Libraries, Sound, and the Performance of Queer Kinship |
Gross, Till - Carleton University |
$44,140 |
Klein, Paul - Stockholm University (collaborator) |
Makris, Miltiadis - The University of Southampton Science Park Ltd. (collaborator) |
Dynamic Tax Competition with Residence-based Capital Taxes |
Hanvelt, Marc - Carleton University |
$36,755 |
History and Judgment in the Scottish Enlightenment |
Horak, Laura - Carleton University |
$44,922 |
Imagining Transgender: Trans and Gender Variant Filmmaking in the United States and Canada |
Kaisary, Philip - Carleton University |
$59,725 |
The Haitian Revolution and The Making of Freedom in the Postcolonial Atlantic |
Ljubicic, Gita - Carleton University |
$74,880 |
Gough, William - University of Toronto (co-applicant) |
Learning from Inuit Knowledge: Nunavik and Nunavut perspectives on the cumulative impacts of environmental change in eastern Hudson Bay |
Malette, Sebastien - Carleton University |
$71,231 |
Gagnon, Denis - Université de Saint-Boniface (collaborator) |
Entre la Proclamation Royale de 1763 et l’arrêt Daniels: enquête sur les vestiges de l’existence juridique des « Métis » en Bas-Canada |
McShane, Lindsay - Carleton University |
$44,532 |
Ashworth, Laurence - Queen's University (co-applicant) |
A "Slap in the Face": The 'Taking-it-Personally' Bias in Consumer-Firm Interactions |
Monaghan, Jeffrey - Carleton University |
$65,295 |
Pre-crime and the changing domains of anti-terrorism practices in Canada |
Mylopoulos, Myrto - Carleton University |
$62,200 |
Consciousness, Intentional Control, and Automaticity |
Rivers-Moore, Megan - Carleton University |
$65,116 |
Hardy, Kate - University of Leeds (co-applicant) |
Macdonald, Laura - Carleton University (collaborator) |
Compañeras! Sex worker organising in Latin America |
Smith, Sarah - Carleton University |
$55,746 |
Exhibiting International Values: The Cultural Diplomacy of UNESCO's Museums Division |
Tiampo, Ming - Carleton University |
$67,189 |
Carricki, Jill - Carleton University (collaborator) |
Casteel, Sarah - Carleton University (collaborator) |
Guha, Malini - Carleton University (collaborator) |
Joyeux-Prunel, Béatrice - École normale supérieure Paris (collaborator) |
Sanogo, Aboubakar - Carleton University (collaborator) |
Paris from the Outside In: Decolonizing 'Postwar' Art History |
Huron University College |
Kottelenberg, Michael - Huron University College |
$61,818 |
Lehrer, Steven - Queen's University (co-applicant) |
Working and Caring: Exploiting Policy Variation in a Behavioural Model of Family Decision-Making |
Lakehead University |
Galway, Lindsay - Lakehead University |
$54,478 |
Buse, Chris - University of Northern British Columbia (co-applicant) |
Gislason, Maya - Simon Fraser University (co-applicant) |
Parkes, Margot - University of Northern British Columbia (collaborator) |
Climate Change Communication and Engagement in Canada’s Provincial Norths: A Collaborative Place-based Approach |
Laurentian University |
Hawkins, Alicia - Lakehead University |
$66,937 |
Bain, Allison - Université Laval (collaborator) |
Barriault, Chantal - Laurentian University (collaborator) |
Ferris, Neal - Western University (collaborator) |
Labelle, Kathryn - University of Saskatchewan (collaborator) |
Lesage, Louis - No primary affiliation (collaborator) |
Smith, Richard - No primary affiliation (collaborator) |
Trade and Diplomacy: An Examination of Huron-Wendat Relationships Using Oral Traditions and Archaeometry |
Melançon, Johanne - Laurentian University |
$29,564 |
Analyse et mise en valeur des archives du théâtre franco-ontarien contemporain |
Robillard, Manon - Laurentian University |
$63,469 |
Une analyse du vocabulaire de base d'enfants francophones âgés de 8 à 11 ans |
McMaster University |
Armstrong, Megan - McMaster University |
$48,987 |
Constructing Religious Coexistence: Holy Week Processions in Jerusalem, 1500-1700 |
Calic, Goran - McMaster University |
$56,580 |
Shevchenko, Anton - Concordia University (co-applicant) |
Achieving True Sustainability: Towards Understanding the Inception and Survival of Truly Sustainable Ventures |
Freeman, Bonnie - McMaster University |
$64,010 |
Van Katwyk, Trish - University of Waterloo (co-applicant) |
Testing the Waters: Building Relationships through Reconciliation and a Two Row Research Paradigm |
Ghasemaghaei, Maryam - McMaster University |
$63,550 |
Hassanein, Khaled - McMaster University (co-applicant) |
Improving Firm Decision Making Performance: The Role of Data Analytics Competency |
Griffin, Meridith - McMaster University |
$50,818 |
Andrews, Gavin - McMaster University (co-applicant) |
Gillett, James - McMaster University (co-applicant) |
Playing with memories: The elicitation of leisure biographies |
Heisz, Jennifer - McMaster University |
$68,700 |
Kim, Joseph - McMaster University (collaborator) |
Examining the impact of exercise breaks on learning in the classroom |
Higgins, Christopher - McMaster University |
$49,705 |
Do Closed Schools Mean Disappearing Value? Exploring the Decapitalization of Education in Neighbourhood House Prices in Hamilton |
Mordue, Greig - McMaster University |
$62,555 |
Sweeney, Brendan - McMaster University (co-applicant) |
Industrial Policy in High Wage, Export-Oriented Economies: A Comparative Analysis of Automotive Manufacturing in Canada, Austria, Spain and Belgium |
Neil-Sztramko, Sarah - McMaster University |
$52,627 |
Dobbins, Maureen - McMaster University (co-applicant) |
AGE-ON 2.0: Expanding and evaluating a tablet training program for older adults |
Prowse, Tracy - McMaster University |
$69,139 |
Carroll, Phyllis - University of Sheffield (co-applicant) |
Evans, Jane - British Geological Survey (collaborator) |
Inskip, Michael - McMaster University (collaborator) |
Deadly Lead? An Interdisciplinary Study of Lead Production, Lead Exposure, and Health on an Imperial Roman Estate in Italy |
Reid, Erin - McMaster University |
$49,920 |
From Journalist to Blogger? Careers, Job Quality and Gender in Precarious Occupations |
Roger, Sarah - McMaster University |
$63,662 |
Barrett, Paul - McMaster University (co-applicant) |
Reading Canada Reads: Big Data, Mass Reading Events, and Narratives of Nation |
Young, Marisa - McMaster University |
$58,391 |
Family-Friendly Community Resources for Better Balance |
OCAD University |
Davila, Patricio - OCAD University |
$63,222 |
Akers, Joshua - University of Michigan - Dearborn (collaborator) |
Heffernan, Tracy - No primary affiliation (collaborator) |
Critical Visualization Assemblages |
Haladyn, Julian Jason - OCAD University |
$38,728 |
Gardiner, Michael - Western University (collaborator) |
Accelerating Duchamp |
Jofre, Ana - OCAD University |
$63,222 |
Berardi, Vincent - Chapman University (collaborator) |
Brennan, Kathleen - University of Hawaii at Manoa (collaborator) |
Browsing and Analyzing Time Magazine: Open Access Data in the 21st Century |
Sellen, Katherine - OCAD University |
$52,472 |
Holyoke, Paul - Saint Elizabeth Health Care (collaborator) |
Oikonen, Karen - Saint Elizabeth Health Care (collaborator) |
Investigating, connection, communication and temporality in conversations on death and dying using a design research approach |
Queen's University |
Bolden, Benjamin - Queen's University |
$59,972 |
DeLuca, Christopher - Queen's University (co-applicant) |
Building Creative Capacity through Assessment for Learning in the Arts |
Davies, Theresa - Queen's University |
$66,000 |
Donnelly, Catherine - Queen's University (co-applicant) |
Murphy, Susanne - Queen's University (co-applicant) |
Building better together: Meeting the needs of assistive technology users within an educational environment |
Grant, J. Andrew - Queen's University |
$31,547 |
Erickson, Jennifer - Boston College (collaborator) |
Garcia, Denise - Northeastern University (collaborator) |
Muggah, Robert - Igarapé Institute (collaborator) |
'Silver bullet' or 'flash in the pan'? Analyzing the emergence of the Arms Trade Treaty |
Henderson, Gail - Queen's University |
$67,114 |
Beach, Pamela - Queen's University (co-applicant) |
This Little Piggy Went Banking: Examining Potential Conflicts of Interest in Financial Literacy Education Resources for Elementary School Teachers |
Majumdar, Sumon - Queen's University |
$30,730 |
The Role of Political Debate in Public Policy-Making |
Möllers, Norma - Queen's University |
$57,391 |
Cybersecurity and the making of 'digital territory' |
Parsons, Trisha - Queen's University |
$66,383 |
Freeman, John - Queen's University (co-applicant) |
McColl, Mary Ann - Queen's University (co-applicant) |
Narrative practice as research method in disability studies: a pilot study. |
Tomasone, Jennifer - Queen's University |
$70,267 |
Evans, Michael - Pennsylvania State University (co-applicant) |
Harvey, Margaret - No primary affiliation (collaborator) |
Latimer, Amy - Queen's University (co-applicant) |
Shirazipour, Celina - Dalhousie University (collaborator) |
Smith, Brett - University of Birmingham (co-applicant) |
Sweet, Shane - McGill University (co-applicant) |
An Exploration of Quality Participation within an Assisted Recreation Program |
Royal Military College of Canada |
Johnson, Sarah - Royal Military College of Canada |
$12,561 |
Martialling Gender in Early Modern English Drama |
Landry, Pierre-Luc - Royal Military College of Canada |
$57,000 |
Une autre subversion du pacte : écritures de soi, surnaturel et hybridité générique |
Ryerson University |
Anderson, Alexandra - Ryerson University |
$57,083 |
Kemp, David - Ryerson University (co-applicant) |
Toronto Hides Itself: Constructing a Database Documentary about Toronto on Film |
Fink, Marty - Ryerson University |
$31,348 |
Wrong Body Narrative Project: Expanding Trans and Gender Identities through Fiction |
Fisher, Laura - Ryerson University |
$34,520 |
Sociological Fiction: White Slavery Literature in North America, 1900-1920 |
Gervais, Thierry - Ryerson University |
$29,053 |
Retouched news photographs |
Hasford, Julian - Ryerson University |
$52,334 |
Clarke, Jennifer - Ryerson University (co-applicant) |
Collins, Tara - Ryerson University (co-applicant) |
Day, David - Ryerson University (co-applicant) |
Finlay, Judy - Ryerson University (collaborator) |
Johns, Carolyn - Ryerson University (collaborator) |
A Network Analysis of the Cross-Over Youth Project |
Lee, Seung Hwan - Ryerson University |
$43,492 |
Encouraging the Donation of Time and Money to Social Causes via Virtual Reality Experiences |
Parekh, Gillian - Ryerson University |
$52,711 |
Anastasakos, Roula - Toronto District School Board (collaborator) |
Brown, Robert - Toronto District School Board (co-applicant) |
Gaymes San Vicente, Alison - Toronto District School Board (collaborator) |
Robinson, Uton - Toronto District School Board (collaborator) |
Seymour, Anne - Toronto District School Board (collaborator) |
Underwood, Kathryn - Ryerson University (co-applicant) |
Transformative action towards equity: Strategic remodelling of special education programming to support students' academic and social development |
Zeller, Frauke - Ryerson University |
$53,270 |
Mazalek, Alexandra - Ryerson University (co-applicant) |
Robinson, Pamela - Ryerson University (collaborator) |
Participatory Campus Planning |
Saint Paul University |
Onguny, Philip - Saint Paul University |
$37,725 |
Developing a Typology of Frames for Land Conflicts in Africa: Evidence from Kenya |
Western University |
Armstrong, David - Western University |
$49,915 |
Big Data, Hypothesis Testing and the Future of Quantitative Political Science |
Choi, Kate Heeyoung - Western University |
$66,400 |
Residential preferences and patterns: innovative use of data to describe the formulation of the cultural mosaic |
Faubert, Brenton - Western University |
$50,446 |
Estimating Adequate Levels of School and District Resources: The Case of One Large Ontario Public School Board |
Gilliland, Jason - Western University |
$73,778 |
Arku, Godwin - Western University (co-applicant) |
Baxter, Jamie - Western University (co-applicant) |
Seabrook, Jamie - Brescia University College (co-applicant) |
Stanford, Jay - No primary affiliation (collaborator) |
Pilot Testing a Novel Intervention to Reduce Household Food Waste |
Helsen, Katherine - Western University |
$22,555 |
Daley, Mark - Western University (co-applicant) |
De Souza, Jonathan - Western University (collaborator) |
Melodic Construction and Evolution in Late Medieval Saints Offices |
Hunsberger, Carol - Western University |
$74,230 |
Hoberg, George - The University of British Columbia (co-applicant) |
Justice and fairness in Canadian energy governance |
Margolis, Rachel - Western University |
$74,950 |
Haan, Michael - Western University (co-applicant) |
Hou, Feng - Western University (collaborator) |
Family Dynamics Surrounding Parental Leave in Canada: New Insights from Administrative Data |
McGrath, Colleen - Western University |
$59,061 |
Astell, Arlene - University of Toronto (co-applicant) |
Laliberte Rudman, Deborah - Western University (co-applicant) |
The preservation of identity: Understanding the technology adoption patterns of older adults with age-related vision loss (ARVL) |
Rafat, Yasaman - Western University |
$67,286 |
Joanisse, Marc - Western University (co-applicant) |
Second language speech production, processing and reading of highly proficient bilinguals living in Canada: What does orthography have to do with it? |
Simpson, Bonnie - Western University |
$62,219 |
MacDonnell, Rhiannon - University of Lethbridge (co-applicant) |
White, Katherine - The University of British Columbia (co-applicant) |
A Global Food Paradox: Examining the Relationship Between Resource Scarcity and Food Waste |
Trent University |
Chazan, May - Trent University |
$57,096 |
Aceves Sepulveda, Gabriela - Simon Fraser University (co-applicant) |
Aging, Activisms, and the Archive: Feminist Explorations across the Americas |
Nisbet, Elizabeth - Trent University |
$64,254 |
Citizen science is in our nature: The effects of citizen science activities on nature relatedness, well-being, and environmental concern |
Russell, Elizabeth - Trent University |
$63,377 |
Skinner, Mark - Trent University (co-applicant) |
Developing rural insights for building sustainable age-friendly communities initatives |
University of Guelph |
Lupien, Pascal - University of Guelph |
$59,727 |
Indigenous Civil Society, Power and Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) |
Silver, Jennifer - University of Guelph |
$38,340 |
Commercial fisheries licensing in British Columbia: learning from the past to help sustain viable opportunities in the future |
Srinivasan, Sharada - University of Guelph |
$58,880 |
Bedi, Arjun - Erasmus University Rotterdam (co-applicant) |
Nanda, Aswini - Centre for Research in Rural and Industrial Development (co-applicant) |
Sebastian, Irudaya - Centre for Development Studies (co-applicant) |
Relative contributions of adult daughters and sons to elderly parents' care in India |
Stevenson, Allyson - University of Guelph |
$20,140 |
“Born out of struggle, determination and hard work:” First Nations’ and Métis Women’s Organizing for Indigenous Reproductive Justice in twentieth-century Saskatchewan |
University of Ontario Institute of Technology |
Perry, Barbara - University of Ontario Institute of Technology |
$27,260 |
Policing Hate Crime in Canada : Identifying Individual and Organizational Determinants |
University of Ottawa |
Brunet, Jennifer - University of Ottawa |
$60,675 |
Harris, Cheryl - The Ottawa Hospital (collaborator) |
Positive and negative views of the self: Building evidence to show both coexist in breast cancer survivors and have implications for psychosocial interventions |
Chourou, Lamia - University of Ottawa |
$55,635 |
Purda-Heeler, Lynnette - Queen's University (co-applicant) |
Saadi, Samir - University of Ottawa (co-applicant) |
Can Banks Anticipate Corporate Misconduct? |
EL Saddik, Abdulmotaleb - University of Ottawa |
$60,000 |
Al Osman, Hussein - University of Ottawa (collaborator) |
Al-Rawi, Ahmed - Concordia University (collaborator) |
Eid, Mahmoud - University of Ottawa (co-applicant) |
Daesh Discourse of Terror, Recruitment of Supporters, and Adaptive Use of Emojis on Twitter |
Garred, Jason - University of Ottawa |
$58,732 |
Marden, Samuel - University of Sussex (collaborator) |
Is China Building a More China-Centered World? |
Hammond, Stuart - University of Ottawa |
$66,155 |
From 'oops' to 'oh no!': Understanding the development of infants' early prosocial behaviour in the context of routine and problem situations |
Juneau, Thomas - University of Ottawa |
$53,293 |
Carvin, Stephanie - Carleton University (co-applicant) |
Get Smart: How well does intelligence analysis support policy making in Canada? How can it be improved? |
Lenard, Patti - University of Ottawa |
$63,268 |
Pendakur, Ravi - University of Ottawa (co-applicant) |
Success and failure in supporting agency among refugees: Lessons from refugees and their sponsors |
Milley, Peter - University of Ottawa |
$47,713 |
Exploring Leadership Practices for Social Innovation in Canadian Universities |
Perreault, Isabelle - University of Ottawa |
$68,003 |
Du droit à disposer de son corps et de sa vie dans la loi criminelle canadienne, 1945-2015. |
Rousseau, Jean-François - University of Ottawa |
$72,400 |
Turner, Sarah - McGill University (co-applicant) |
Ethnic minority livelihoods beyond the littoral zone: Water resource allocation and consequences in the Red River watershed, Yunnan, China |
Slavkov, Nikolay - University of Ottawa |
$64,012 |
Lamoureux, Sylvie - University of Ottawa (collaborator) |
Reimagining Language Background Profiling at Canadian Elementary Schools: Towards Bilingual and Multilingual Norms |
University of Toronto |
Bau, Natalie - University of Toronto |
$28,700 |
Derksen, Laura - University of Toronto (co-applicant) |
The Link Between Education and Female Genital Cutting |
Bernhardt-Walther, Dirk - University of Toronto |
$74,733 |
Cunningham, William - University of Toronto (collaborator) |
Swartz, Amy - OCAD University (collaborator) |
Waldburger, Natalie - OCAD University (collaborator) |
The role of symmetry in the aesthetic pleasure of viewing real-world scenes |
Burchell, Kenzie - University of Toronto |
$39,686 |
“Exploiting the limits of Media Power: ISIS Censorship, Surveillance and Spectacle” |
Celik, Murat - University of Toronto |
$51,115 |
The Effects of Misallocation of Resources on Economic Growth, Innovation, and Inequality |
Chen, Feng - University of Toronto |
$54,765 |
Hou, Yu - Queen's University (co-applicant) |
Richardson, Gordon - University of Toronto (co-applicant) |
Targeted Firms’ Strategic Financial Reporting Choices Against Patent Trolls |
Chen, Xi - University of Toronto |
$69,975 |
Georgiades, Katholiki - McMaster University (co-applicant) |
Gottardo, Alexandra - Wilfrid Laurier University (co-applicant) |
Jenkins, Jennifer - University of Toronto (co-applicant) |
Lindner, Katrin - University of Munich (collaborator) |
Paradis, Johanne - University of Alberta (co-applicant) |
Riehl, Claudia - University of Munich (collaborator) |
Successes and challenges of children who are Syrian refugees: Language, literacy and well-being |
Craft, Jonathan - University of Toronto |
$61,816 |
Halligan, John - University of Canberra (collaborator) |
Policy Advice and The Westminster Tradition: Policy Advisory Systems in Canada, Britain, Australia, and New Zealand |
Cziraki, Peter - University of Toronto |
$37,470 |
CEO Immobility |
Derksen, Laura - University of Toronto |
$74,670 |
Carvalho Loureiro de Souza, Pedro - Pontificia Universidade Catolica do Rio de Janerio (co-applicant) |
Internet Provision, Educational Outcomes and Social Networks |
Eli, Shari - University of Toronto |
$48,676 |
Aizer, Anna - Brown University (collaborator) |
Lleras-Muney, Adriana - University of California - Los Angeles (collaborator) |
Do Youth Employment Programs Work? Evidence from the New Deal |
Everett, Nicholas - University of Toronto |
$67,500 |
Star, Sarah - University of Toronto (collaborator) |
Tavormina, M - Michigan State University (collaborator) |
Wallis, Faith - McGill University (collaborator) |
The Henry Daniel Project |
Flynn, Alexandra - University of Toronto |
$63,283 |
Indigenous–municipal consultation in local planning processes |
Fulton, Carrie - University of Toronto |
$63,671 |
Manning, Sturt - Cornell University (collaborator) |
Viduka, Andrew - Flinders University of South Australia (collaborator) |
Underwater Survey of a Late Bronze Age Anchorage at Maroni-Tsaroukkas, Cyprus |
Gamble, Julia - University of Toronto |
$64,425 |
Boldsen, Jesper - University of Southern Denmark (collaborator) |
Poinar, Hendrik - McMaster University (collaborator) |
One thousand years of disease dynamics: Integrating molecular biology and palaeoepidemiology in Medieval Denmark |
Golubov, Andrey - University of Toronto |
$67,313 |
Dessaint, Olivier - University of Toronto (co-applicant) |
Labour market implications of mergers and acquisitions |
Gutsche-Miller, Sarah - University of Toronto |
$49,991 |
Finding Creativity on the Popular Stage: The Ballets of Belle-Époque Boulevard-Theatre Spectacles |
Holmstedt, Robert - University of Toronto |
$31,463 |
The Grammar of Classical Ethiopic (Ge'ez) in the Abba Garima Gospel of Mark |
Impett, Emily - University of Toronto |
$74,375 |
Muise, Amy - York University (co-applicant) |
Sakaluk, John - University of Victoria (co-applicant) |
Not in the Mood? A Conflict Negotiation Perspective on Sexual Rejection in Romantic Relationships |
Inbar, Yoel - University of Toronto |
$38,200 |
Moral language across the political spectrum |
Isakson, S. Ryan - University of Toronto |
$73,370 |
Weather Derivatives, Farmer Vulnerability, and the Financialization of Agricultural Risk Management in Guatemala |
Keilty, Patrick - University of Toronto |
$39,577 |
Sexy Data: Algorithms, Curation, and Desire in the Pornography Industry |
Klenk, Nicole - University of Toronto |
$53,007 |
Transdisciplinary Science-Policy Interfaces in Climate Change Adaptation Decision-Making |
Kramer, Anna - University of Toronto |
$48,284 |
Davidoff, Thomas - The University of British Columbia (collaborator) |
Goonewardena, Kanishka - University of Toronto (collaborator) |
Kershaw, Paul - The University of British Columbia (co-applicant) |
Zoning regulation, residential density, and housing affordability: Potential for up-zoning to increase housing supply in low-rise residential neighbourhoods in Toronto and Vancouver |
Kuruscu, Burhanettin - University of Toronto |
$37,872 |
Arslan, Yavuz - Bank for International Settlements (collaborator) |
Guler, Bulent - Indiana University, Bloomington (collaborator) |
Interaction of Household and Bank Balance Sheets and Macroprudential Policies |
Lehleiter, Christine - University of Toronto |
$38,730 |
Neurohumanities: What can we learn from the 18th Century? |
McElheran, Kristina - University of Toronto |
$69,200 |
Entrepreneurial Firms in the Digital Age |
Neville, Kathryn - University of Toronto |
$59,935 |
Martin, Sarah - Memorial University of Newfoundland (co-applicant) |
Contesting infrastructure: political claims along pipelines |
Rault, Jasmine - University of Toronto |
$52,013 |
Cowan, Theresa (T.L.) - University of Toronto (co-applicant) |
Building a Digital Research Ethics (collaborator)y for Minor(itized) Materials |
Rheault, Ludovic - University of Toronto |
$46,701 |
The Diffusion of Political Opinions on the Web |
Schertz, Jessamyn - University of Toronto |
$56,263 |
Hawthorne, Kara - University of Mississippi (collaborator) |
Shifting perception: How listeners adapt to a multi-accented world |
Smith, Craig - University of Toronto |
$54,208 |
Derksen, Laura - University of Toronto (co-applicant) |
Closing the Integration Gap: Assessing Impacts of Social Networks & Integration of Government-Assisted Refugee Newcomers |
Steinberg, Joseph - University of Toronto |
$31,634 |
Macroeconomic Adjustment to Protectionist Trade Policies: The Case of NAFTA Repeal |
Stellar, Jennifer - University of Toronto |
$70,736 |
Awe a key collective emotion: Understanding the role of awe in group membership and intergroup relations |
Wall, Shelley - University of Toronto |
$36,600 |
Time and Space in Graphic Narratives of Eldercare |
Wang, Yiwen - University of Toronto |
$46,202 |
Yellow Books in Red China: Sex, Media, and Modernity in the People's Republic |
University of Waterloo |
Armitage, Derek - University of Waterloo |
$71,716 |
Small Fish, Big Problems: Analyzing the Human Dimensions of Forage Fisheries |
Basir, Nada - University of Waterloo |
$50,242 |
Riaz, Suhaib - University of Massachusetts - Boston (collaborator) |
Incubating for Social Impact: Entrepreneurship amidst Shifts in Institutional Logics |
Cadell, Susan - University of Waterloo |
$71,093 |
Baljko, Melanie - York University (collaborator) |
Davidson, Deborah - York University (co-applicant) |
Macdonald, Mary Ellen - McGill University (co-applicant) |
O'Gorman, Marcel - University of Waterloo (collaborator) |
Reid Lambert, Melissa - No primary affiliation (collaborator) |
Memorial Tattoos: Inking the Bond |
Cockayne, Daniel - University of Waterloo |
$55,560 |
Entrepreneurial Education and Startup Economies |
Feke, Jacqueline - University of Waterloo |
$58,198 |
Law and Nature in Ancient Greek Mathematics |
Kolentsis, Alysia - University of Waterloo |
$20,940 |
Shakespeare's Changing Language: Early Modern English and Linguistic Innovation |
MacLeod, Colin - University of Waterloo |
$74,453 |
Attention (and inattention) contagion in the classroom |
Mitchell, Carrie - University of Waterloo |
$65,518 |
Burch, Sarah - University of Waterloo (collaborator) |
Oulahen, Greg - Ryerson University (co-applicant) |
Taylor, Zachary - Western University (collaborator) |
The process and politics of planning for resilience in Canadian cities |
Shaikh, Arshi - University of Waterloo |
$46,178 |
Gilbert, Gael - No primary affiliation (collaborator) |
Hodder, Kimberley - Supportive Housing of Waterloo (collaborator) |
Peressini, Tracy - Renison University College (co-applicant) |
Animal hoarding: Perspectives of individuals who hoard animals and their family members |
Siemerling, Winfried - University of Waterloo |
$43,874 |
Nonsimultaneity and Incomplete Time: From Bloch, Benjamin, and the Frankfurt School to Contemporary Black Critique |
Thompson, Jessica - University of Waterloo |
$30,765 |
Borderline |
Whitson, Jennifer - University of Waterloo |
$54,199 |
Technology, Surveillance and Selective Exposure: The Paradox of Social Media and Queer Activism |
University of Windsor |
Guta, Adrian - University of Windsor |
$72,525 |
Laforest, Rachel - Queen's University (co-applicant) |
Orsini, Michael - University of Ottawa (co-applicant) |
van der Meulen, Emily - Ryerson University (co-applicant) |
Ontario’s Chilly Charitable Climate: Examining the Impact of the 10% Rule for Political Activities |
Wilfrid Laurier University |
Chang, Jing Jing - Wilfrid Laurier University |
$61,922 |
The Politics of the Invisible: Sex, Censorship, and the Other in Hong Kong Cinema |
Fox Tree, Erich - Wilfrid Laurier University |
$47,206 |
Lexicography of the Indigenous Sign Language of Guatemala: Decoding Ancient Mesoamerica Art, While Valorizing Modern Peoples |
Mfoafo-M'Carthy, Magnus - Wilfrid Laurier University |
$69,423 |
Grischow, Jeff - Wilfrid Laurier University (co-applicant) |
“Trudging through the contours of life”: Experiencing Disability Stigma and its Impact on Individuals and their Families |
Nancarrow Clarke, Juanne - Wilfrid Laurier University |
$51,489 |
Clarke, Lauren - No primary affiliation (collaborator) |
Marlow, Taylor - No primary affiliation (collaborator) |
Moini, Moses - No primary affiliation (collaborator) |
Nicholson, Cindy - No primary affiliation (collaborator) |
What do sponsorship groups and sponsorship agreement holders identify as needs, challenges and best practices in settling refugees: A Pilot Study |
Packard, Grant - Wilfrid Laurier University |
$61,089 |
Conversation Dynamics in Customer Care: The Impact of When and How Help Agents Speak on Customer Attitudes and Behaviours |
Root, Jennifer - Wilfrid Laurier University |
$50,596 |
Godderis, Rebecca - Wilfrid Laurier University (co-applicant) |
Post-secondary instructor responses to student disclosures of gendered violence: A qualitative study exploring impacts on teaching and learning |
Wang, Fang - Wilfrid Laurier University |
$53,572 |
Xu, Bixia - Wilfrid Laurier University (co-applicant) |
Where should Firms Invest? The Structure and Strategy of Firm Resource Allocation and Budgeting |
York University |
Couture, Stéphane - York University |
$56,540 |
Inscribing social justice in Internet infrastructures: design proposals from civil society in the context of Internet Governance |
Dong, Ming - York University |
$47,600 |
Does A Strong Corporate Culture Create Shareholder Value? |
Flicker, Sarah - York University |
$61,431 |
Gagnon, Marilou - University of Ottawa (co-applicant) |
Gilbert, Jen - York University (co-applicant) |
Guta, Adrian - University of Windsor (co-applicant) |
MacEntee, Katie - York University (co-applicant) |
Oliver, Vanessa - Wilfrid Laurier University (co-applicant) |
Sanders, Thomas - Lakehead University (co-applicant) |
Enacting Sex Ed Updates: A view from Ontario's Teachers |
Gilbert, Jen - York University |
$62,481 |
Yes? Discourses of Consent in California's Sex Education Policy and Practice |
Hossein, Caroline - York University |
$70,488 |
African origins in the social economy: A study of the Black Banker Ladies and economic collectives in Canada |
Jones-Imhotep, Edward - York University |
$54,904 |
Turkel, William - Western University (collaborator) |
Reliable Humans, Trustworthy Machines: A Cultural History of Technological Failure |
Kecskes, Ambrus - York University |
$63,000 |
Nguyen, Anh - York University (co-applicant) |
Demographics and innovation: Evidence from Canada and around the World |
Larkin, Yelena - York University |
$27,108 |
Grullon, Gustavo - Rice University (collaborator) |
Zhdanov, Alexei - Pennsylvania State University (collaborator) |
Short interest and investment |
Levine, Gabriel - York University |
$26,858 |
Moving Splendour: The Aesthetics and Politics of Contemporary Processional Art |
Ojo, Tokunbo - York University |
$60,610 |
Chinese News Media in Africa |
Petronijevic, Uros - York University |
$65,200 |
Student Mentoring and Coaching: Using Technology to Reach Everyone |
Singh, Parbudyal - York University |
$31,260 |
Boekhorst, Janet - No primary affiliation (collaborator) |
Entrepreneurship, human resource management and firm performance |
Whelan, Jodie - York University |
$46,236 |
Johnson, Allison - Western University (co-applicant) |
Thomson, Matthew - Western University (co-applicant) |
Attachment Styles, Brand Anthropomorphism, and Social Class |
Athabasca University |
Sana, Faria - Athabasca University |
$68,816 |
Yan, Veronica - University of Southern California (collaborator) |
Investigating the Interleaving Effect in Classrooms to Boost Student Retention |
Concordia University of Edmonton |
Bradford, Tolly - Concordia University of Edmonton |
$38,307 |
Connors, Richard - University of Ottawa (co-applicant) |
Imperial Networks and the Reorganization of the Hudson’s Bay Company, 1809-1816 |
Grant MacEwan University |
Muralidharan, Etayankara - Grant MacEwan University |
$10,370 |
Sustainability Values, Transformational Leadership, and Social Entrepreneurship |
Mount Royal University |
Smith, Erika - Mount Royal University |
$55,813 |
Undergraduate Digital Literacies in Disciplinary Contexts |
University of Alberta |
Covell, Christine - University of Alberta |
$61,672 |
Bourgeault, Ivy - University of Ottawa (co-applicant) |
Esses, Victoria - Western University (co-applicant) |
Neiterman, Elena - University of Waterloo (co-applicant) |
Designed to Stay: Canadian-Educated International Students as Future Permanent Residents |
Cutumisu, Maria - University of Alberta |
$51,700 |
Schwartz, Daniel - Stanford University (collaborator) |
A Model of Memory for Critical Feedback |
Gibson, Lindsay - University of Alberta |
$71,769 |
Duquette, Catherine - Université du Québec à Chicoutimi (co-applicant) |
Seixas, Peter - The University of British Columbia (collaborator) |
Small cards, big picture: Constructing students’ narrative frameworks in Canadian history |
Hodgetts, Sandra - University of Alberta |
$57,958 |
Nicholas, David - University of Calgary (co-applicant) |
Phelan, Shanon - University of Alberta (co-applicant) |
Ryan, Jackie - No primary affiliation (collaborator) |
Building inclusive communities: A collective case study of community inclusion for children with autism spectrum disorder and their families |
Kim, Mijung - University of Alberta |
$44,672 |
Wagner, David - University of New Brunswick (co-applicant) |
Science and Mathematics textbook writers’ hopes for peace and sustainability |
Korda, Andrea - University of Alberta |
$55,168 |
Looking and Learning in the Age of New Media: Object Lessons, Visual Instruction and Scouting from 1830 to 1914 |
Lachler, Jordan - University of Alberta |
$70,582 |
Shulist, Sarah - Grant MacEwan University (co-applicant) |
Developing New Tools for Understanding Endangered Language Dynamics |
Li, Xiaoting - University of Alberta |
$57,200 |
Unfinished Utterances in Mandarin Conversation |
Lund, Anna Jane - University of Alberta |
$41,404 |
Providing Income Support to the Ill and Injured: Decoupling Medical and Financial Distress |
Mosewich, Amber - University of Alberta |
$47,783 |
Gunnell, Katie - Carleton University (co-applicant) |
Holt, Nicholas - University of Alberta (co-applicant) |
Krepps, Robert - University of Alberta (collaborator) |
McHugh, Tara-Leigh - University of Alberta (co-applicant) |
Sapieja, Klaudia - University of Alberta (collaborator) |
Fostering resilience and wellbeing in sport: A longitudinal study of athlete psychosocial development |
Smallwood, Scott - University of Alberta |
$44,843 |
Bulitko, Vadim - University of Alberta (collaborator) |
Gouglas, Sean - University of Alberta (collaborator) |
Moore, Stephan - Northwestern University (collaborator) |
Oliver, Marilene - University of Alberta (collaborator) |
Rowe, Aidan - University of Alberta (collaborator) |
The Lost Garden: Exploring Audio in Interactive Spaces |
Sulz, Lauren - University of Alberta |
$53,045 |
Gleddie, Douglas - University of Alberta (co-applicant) |
Humbert, Margaret - University of Saskatchewan (co-applicant) |
School Sport and Educational Success: Exploring KidSport’s Stay-in-School Initiative for Low-Income Youth in Alberta |
Tomsky, Terri - University of Alberta |
$27,672 |
Imagining Justice After Globalization |
Wiebe, Joseph - University of Alberta |
$50,589 |
Decolonizing Environmental Imagination: Perceptions of Indigeneity and Ecology in Religious Settler Migration |
University of Calgary |
Anderson, Mark - University of Calgary |
$46,000 |
Innovation, productivity, and competitiveness at Canadian business establishments |
Bell, Adam - University of Calgary |
$71,578 |
Hacking Disability in Music Education |
Bridel, William - University of Calgary |
$63,234 |
LGBTQ2SI Inclusion in Canadian Sport: A Case Study |
Burns, Victoria - University of Calgary |
$69,446 |
Hewson, Jennifer - University of Calgary (co-applicant) |
Walsh, Christine - University of Calgary (co-applicant) |
Beyond Housing: Creating a sense of place among formerly homeless older adults in Calgary, Alberta |
Callaghan, Tonya - University of Calgary |
$49,027 |
The Catholic Closet: An International Comparative Study of Homophobia and Transphobia in Catholic Schools |
Franceschet, Antonio - University of Calgary |
$39,487 |
Theorizing Resistance Rights in International Politics |
Francis, Krista - University of Calgary |
$60,448 |
Davis, Andrew - University of Calgary (co-applicant) |
The intersection of math, spatial reasoning, and coding: an emergent, multi-faceted study on how children learn through robotics |
Gobin, Anuradha - University of Calgary |
$34,674 |
Picturing Punishment: The Material Afterlife of the Criminal Body in the Dutch Republic |
Henry, Robert - University of Calgary |
$62,360 |
Sites of Survivance: Indigenous Street Gangs and Settler Colonialism |
Hynes, Laura - University of Calgary |
$47,500 |
Agha, Ari - No primary affiliation (collaborator) |
Barton, Bruce - University of Calgary (collaborator) |
Hamann, Keitha - University of Minnesota (collaborator) |
Viczko, April - University of Calgary (collaborator) |
ConcerT: Testosterone and the Transgender Singing Voice |
Kassan, Anusha - University of Calgary |
$67,500 |
Arthur, Nancy - University of Calgary (co-applicant) |
Goopy, Suzanne - University of Calgary (co-applicant) |
School Integration Among Canadian Newcomer Youth: An Art-Based Ethnographic Study |
Milaney, Katrina - University of Calgary |
$53,383 |
Examining Gaps in Services for Immigrant and Refugee Women and Children who are Trapped in Canada’s Emergency Shelters |
Noel, Melanie - University of Calgary |
$71,236 |
Graham, Susan - University of Calgary (co-applicant) |
Peterson, Carole - Memorial University of Newfoundland (co-applicant) |
Co-constructing the Past: Examining Mother- and Father-Child Narratives About Past Events involving Pain versus Sadness |
Peric, Sabrina - University of Calgary |
$73,949 |
Ilegala: Reading, Radicalism and Paramilitarism in Bosnia and Herzegovina |
Pexman, Penny - University of Calgary |
$74,904 |
Curtin, Suzanne - University of Calgary (collaborator) |
Investigating the Origins of Sound Symbolism in Infancy |
Reese-Taylor, Kathryn - University of Calgary |
$58,425 |
Anaya-Hernandez, Armando - Universidad Autónoma de Campeche (collaborator) |
Carr, Christopher - University of Cincinnati (collaborator) |
Dunning, Nicholas - University of Cincinnati (co-applicant) |
Jones, John - No primary affiliation (collaborator) |
Lentz, David - University of Cincinnati (collaborator) |
Pedersen, Mikkel - University of Copenhagen (co-applicant) |
Wales, Nathan - University of California - Berkeley (collaborator) |
Walker, Debra - No primary affiliation (collaborator) |
Exploring the development of a complex agricultural system in the Maya lowlands through the analysis of eDNA |
Shepherd, Tamara - University of Calgary |
$56,513 |
Power in Policymaking: Regulatory Framings of Canada’s Internet |
Wagner, Martin - University of Calgary |
$40,153 |
Narratives of Obedient Agency, 1700-1900 |
University of Lethbridge |
Li, Yutao - University of Lethbridge |
$39,078 |
Lobo, Gerald - University of Houston (co-applicant) |
An Investigation of Banks’ Lending Network |
College of the Rockies |
Kramer-Kile, Marnie - College of the Rockies |
$54,162 |
A Targeted Interventional Program for Canadian –Educated Nursing Graduates who have been Unsuccessful on the National Council Licensure Examination (NCLEX-RN®): A Pilot Study |
Royal Roads University |
Dale, Ann - Royal Roads University |
$62,068 |
Bernard, Mary - Royal Roads University (collaborator) |
Hodson, Jaigris - Royal Roads University (co-applicant) |
Leighton, Hilary - Royal Roads University (collaborator) |
Research Curation: Making a Difference |
Mittelman, Robert - Royal Roads University |
$48,677 |
Dow, John - The University of Melbourne (co-applicant) |
An Exploration of Psychic Distance in Charitable Giving to International Disaster Relief |
Pulla, Siomonn - Royal Roads University |
$47,178 |
Social licensing in Major Resource Development Projects: Corporate–Indigenous Relations, Indigenous Rights, and Responsible Resource Development in Canada |
Veletsianos, George - Royal Roads University |
$61,160 |
Hodson, Jaigris - Royal Roads University (co-applicant) |
Female Academics’ Experiences of Harassment on Social Media |
Simon Fraser University |
Aceves Sepulveda, Gabriela - Simon Fraser University |
$40,482 |
Bronfman, Alejandra - The University of British Columbia (collaborator) |
Weaving the Electric Wave: Latin American Women Composers, 1914 -1980 |
Aknin, Lara - Simon Fraser University |
$53,385 |
Automatic Evaluations of Helping: Developing and Testing an Implicit Measure of Self- and Other- Interest |
Du, Songzi - Simon Fraser University |
$22,300 |
Zhu, Haoxiang - Massachusetts Institute of Technology (collaborator) |
Optimal Trading Frequency with Heterogeneous Trading Speeds |
Lazarova, Mila - Simon Fraser University |
$53,009 |
Employers' Perspectives on Skilled Immigrants' Workplace Integration |
McGregor, Hannah - Simon Fraser University |
$54,325 |
McMenemy, Siobhan - Wilfrid Laurier University Press (collaborator) |
Scholarly Podcasting in Canada |
Odom, William - Simon Fraser University |
$55,200 |
Developing A Theory of Slow Interaction For Design |
Oh, Chang Hoon - Simon Fraser University |
$61,320 |
Social License to Operate: Its Effects on the Operational, Financial, and Social Performance of Firms |
Viljoen, Jodi - Simon Fraser University |
$64,218 |
Aknin, Lara - Simon Fraser University (collaborator) |
Desistance from Crime: New Methods for Collecting and Mobilizing the Life Stories of Former Adolescent Offenders |
Wong, Jennifer - Simon Fraser University |
$63,723 |
Enhancing successful transitions to high school: Evaluation of after-school mentoring programs for at-risk youth in Metro Vancouver |
The University of British Columbia |
Caperchione, Cristina - The University of British Columbia |
$66,994 |
Berg, Stephen - The University of British Columbia (co-applicant) |
Ferguson, Leah - University of Saskatchewan (co-applicant) |
Kowalski, Kent - University of Saskatchewan (co-applicant) |
Novakowski, Michelle - No primary affiliation (collaborator) |
Sabiston, Catherine - University of Toronto (co-applicant) |
A league of their own: Examining the effectiveness of a psycho-social and sport program targeting at-risk adolescent girls |
Farinha Luz, Vitor - The The University of British Columbia |
$44,340 |
Multidimensional private information in insurance markets |
Galla, Candace - The University of British Columbia |
$57,174 |
Digital Technology Use for First Nations Language Education and Revitalization in British Columbia |
Gornall, Will - The University of British Columbia |
$58,100 |
Venture Capital Contracts and Valuations |
Griess, Verena - The University of British Columbia |
$67,262 |
Bulkan, Janette - The University of British Columbia (collaborator) |
Zerriffi, Hisham - The University of British Columbia (collaborator) |
Indigenous land-use planning and the discourse of sovereignty: Communicating values at the contact zone |
Guiry, Eric - The University of British Columbia |
$55,632 |
Hawkins, Alicia - Laurentian University (collaborator) |
Needs-Howarth, Suzanne - No primary affiliation (collaborator) |
Orchard, Trevor - University of Toronto (collaborator) |
Szpak, Paul - Trent University (collaborator) |
The Historical Ecology of Lake Ontario: An Isotopic Perspective |
Hagerman, Shannon - The The University of British Columbia |
$67,112 |
Campbell, Lisa - Duke University (co-applicant) |
Gray, Noella - University of Guelph (co-applicant) |
Targets through time: Negotiating knowledge (s) and constructing future possibilities for global biodiversity governance |
Honey-Rosés, Jordi - The University of British Columbia |
$72,726 |
Diaz Calderon, Juan Ramon - No primary affiliation (collaborator) |
Sanchez Navarro, Paul - No primary affiliation (collaborator) |
No one showed up at our public meeting. Testing theories of public engagement in the context of groundwater management |
Joy, Annamma - The University of British Columbia |
$56,384 |
Deschenes, Jonathan - HEC Montréal (co-applicant) |
Walsh, Zach - The University of British Columbia (collaborator) |
Ganjapreneurs in the Okanagan Valley: Exploring emerging market formation for recreational cannabis in British Columbia |
Kasahara, Hiroyuki - The The University of British Columbia |
$52,200 |
Schrimpf, Paul - The University of British Columbia (co-applicant) |
Suzuki, Michio - University of Tokyo (collaborator) |
Identification and Estimation of Production Function under Unobserved Heterogeneity |
Laurin, Kristin - The The University of British Columbia |
$51,911 |
Understanding the nature of rationalized confidence in the sociopolitical system |
LeMoult, Joelle - The The University of British Columbia |
$72,869 |
Co-Rumination in the Context of Adolescents' Friendships |
Marshall, Christopher - The The University of British Columbia |
$39,104 |
Thomas Heywood and the Classical Imagination |
Oberle, Eva - The The University of British Columbia |
$50,455 |
School's out - what now? A population-level study on how out-of-school time is linked to trajectories of social-emotional wellbeing and academic success in middle childhood and early adolescence |
O'Hogan, Cillian - The University of British Columbia |
$53,051 |
Romans, Christians, and their books, 300-486 CE |
Rosenblum, Daisy - The University of British Columbia |
$64,819 |
Wasson, Christina - University of North Texas (collaborator) |
q'?nq'ot?a??nc ??wi'nagwis (Knowing our land): Documenting Gwa’sala and ’Nakwaxda’xw Cultural Keystone Places in Kwak'wala |
Tan, Yuen Sze Michelle - The University of British Columbia |
$64,129 |
Amiel, Joshua - No primary affiliation (collaborator) |
Lo, Chih-Shen - The University of British Columbia (co-applicant) |
Supporting teachers’ design and implementation of theories-framed, reform-based pedagogies: Case of teacher professional development for science teachers in BC |
Walsh, Shannon - The University of British Columbia |
$67,500 |
Mitchell, Claudia - McGill University (co-applicant) |
We grew as we grew: Longitudinal perspectives on youth activism, visual methodologies, and HIV prevention |
Thompson Rivers University |
Dagne, Tesh - Thompson Rivers University |
$43,790 |
3D Printing, the Canadian Consumer and Intellectual Property Law |
Jeyapal, Daphne - Thompson Rivers University |
$45,040 |
Desai, Chandni - University of Illinois at Chicago (co-applicant) |
Anti-terrorism or anti-activism? Examining public and policy discourses on Canada’s Anti-Terrorism Act (2015) and its implications for transnational resistance |
Neudorf, Lorne - Thompson Rivers University |
$66,865 |
Parliamentary Supervision of Executive Lawmaking: A Comparative Study of Canada, the United Kingdom, Australia and New Zealand |
Trinity Western University |
Reimer-Kirkham, Sheryl - Trinity Western University |
$59,890 |
Astle, Barbara - Trinity Western University (co-applicant) |
Beaman, Lori - University of Ottawa (co-applicant) |
Dixon, Duncan - Trinity Western University (collaborator) |
Ero, Ikponwosa - No primary affiliation (collaborator) |
Ibhawoh, Bonny - McMaster University (co-applicant) |
Sawatzky, Ricard - Trinity Western University (collaborator) |
Tettey, Wisdom - The University of British Columbia (co-applicant) |
The welfare and security of persons with albinism: Developing a Research-Policy Network to address the interplay of spiritual/cultural practices and human rights |
University of Victoria |
Chan, Kathryn - University of Victoria |
$63,401 |
Kislowicz, Howard - University of New Brunswick (co-applicant) |
Divine Intervention: a study of the operation and impact of NGO interveners in Canadian religious freedom litigation |
Gillezeau, Rob - University of Victoria |
$62,865 |
Cunningham, Jamein - Portland State University (collaborator) |
Racial Uprisings and the Responsiveness of Governments |
Sakaluk, John - University of Victoria |
$74,675 |
Impett, Emily - University of Toronto (co-applicant) |
For Richer or Poorer: Finance Norms and Satisfaction in Romantic Relationships |
Turner, Brianna - University of Victoria |
$74,841 |
Testing a person-context model of risk-taking behaviours in first-year undergraduates |