Canada Graduate Scholarships to Honour Nelson Mandela: 2017 Competition Awards

Doctoral Scholarships: November 2017 Competition Awards
Master's Program: December 2017 Competition Awards


Doctoral Scholarships: November 2017 Competition Awards

Applicant Administering Organization Application Title Amount
Caron, Christina Université du Québec à Montréal Les safe spaces et le droit de ne pas être offensé : perception et conscience du droit chez les étudiants universitaires $105,000
Gabriele, Felicia McGill University Emotions are the unacknowledged legislators of the world: emotions and the rise of human rights in the anglo-American anti-slavery movements, 1760-1865 $105,000
Lacelle-Webster, Antonin The University of British Columbia Democracy or democracies: convergence and divergence in the perceptions of democracy in Canada $105,000
Lachance, Sarah McGill University Conducting democracy: gendered civic empowerment and the high school band $105,000
MacLean, Tessa C. McGill University Conducting democracy: gendered civic empowerment and the high school band $105,000
Panwar, Nidhi S. University of Toronto Counterterrorism and the creation of a suspect community: the case of Islamic terrorism in India $105,000
Sibalis, Annabel Ryerson University Addressing stress in Ontario high schools: implementing a mindfulness-based social emotional learning program $105,000
Tanguay, Vanessa McGill University Expériences vécues et narratifs : quel éclairage sur les conceptions juridiques de l'égalité en droit québécois $105,000


Master's Program: December 2017 Competition Awards

Applicant Administering Organization Application Title Amount
Benoit-Jansson, Annika R.D. University of Victoria Youth life promotion through an Indigenous community-based art project $17,500
Connolly, Charlotte R. University of Northern British Columbia Tahoe on Trial: Closing the Governance Gap? A Critical Legal Geography Perspective of a Canadian Mining Conflict in Guatemala $17,500
Courtney, Telisa Dalhousie University Investigating the Utility of Theatre for Development for the Reintegration of Child Soldiers $17,500
Denicourt-Fauvel, Camille University of Ottawa Violence extrême au Guatemala : causes et impacts de l'impunité $17,500
Khammad, Violette University of Waterloo Human Rights and Children Born of War: Assessing the Role of Canadian-based Non-Governmental Organizations in Global Agenda-Setting and Advocacy $17,500
Lux-Côté, Florence York University South-South Migration: The Journeys of Haitian Women in the Dominican Republic $17,500
Maurice, Renay University of Victoria No Conversations About Us Without Us: A Narrative Analysis of Sex Workers' Perspectives on Stigma, the Law and Human Rights in Canada $17,500
Pavlovic-Djokic, Nina York University The Human Rights of Romani Populations: A Study of the Intersectional Oppression of Romani Women Within Post-Conflict Bosnia $17,500
Wadsworth, William T.D. University of Alberta Working towards reconciliation: The identification of unmarked graves $17,500
Wideman, Mitchell Ryerson University Radical democracy in the workplace: Dewey, Aristotle, and the Canadian labour movement $17,500