Award Recipients for Partnership Engage Grants: September 2020 Competition
Successful Programs in 3A
Applicant | Maxime Bérubé | Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières |
Co-applicant | Francis Fortin | Université de Montréal |
Partner | Service de police de Laval | Laval, QC |
Title | Utilisation de la linguistique forensique et de l'intelligence artificielle pour optimiser l'analyse et le classement de dossiers d'enquête en contexte policier | |
Years | 1 | |
Funding | $24,808 |
Applicant | Tracey Bone | University of Manitoba |
Partner | Manitoba Possible | Winnipeg, MB |
Title | Exploring the complex mental health and program access needs of Deaf and hard of hearing Manitobans | |
Years | 1 | |
Funding | $17,234 |
Applicant | Heather Boynton | University of Calgary |
Co-applicant | David Nicholas | University of Calgary |
Hieu Ngo | University of Calgary | |
Lynn Davis | CASA Child, Adolescent and Family Mental Health | |
Partner | CASA Child, Adolescent and Family Mental Health | Edmonton, AB |
Title | Evaluating Organizational Cultural Competence Through Participatory Action | |
Years | 1 | |
Funding | $24,980 |
Applicant | Riadh Ladhari | Université Laval |
Partner | Technologie Visao Inc. | Québec, QC |
Title | Valeur perçue de l'expérience de la réalité augmentée en contexte d'achat industriel | |
Years | 1 | |
Funding | $24,245 |
Applicant | Sandeep Agrawal | University of Alberta |
Collaborator | Neelakshi Joshi | University of Alberta |
Partner | City of Edmonton | Edmonton, AB |
Title | Can municipal zoning bylaw be made more equitable and inclusive? | |
Years | 1 | |
Funding | $25,000 |
Applicant | Kadeer Ayinuerguli | University of Waterloo |
Co-applicant | Helen Chimirri-Russell | Regional Municipality of Waterloo |
Susan Neylan | Wilfrid Laurier University | |
Collaborator | James Jensen | Regional Municipality of Waterloo |
Jean Becker | University of Waterloo | |
Keri Solomon | Region of Waterloo | |
Sanjay Govindaraj | Public | |
Susan Roy | University of Waterloo | |
Partner | Region of Waterloo | Kitchener, ON |
Title | Locating the Past: Indigenizing The "History of Waterloo County Murals" | |
Years | 1 | |
Funding | $24,958 |
Applicant | Jean Bibeau | Université de Sherbrooke |
Co-applicant | Denis Bédard | Université de Sherbrooke |
Yves Bérubé-Lauzière | Université de Sherbrooke | |
Partner | Institut National d'Optique | Québec, QC |
Title | Étude pour la transformation des pratiques d'accompagnement entrepreneurial des chercheurs dans les technologies quantiques | |
Years | 1 | |
Funding | $24,995 |
Applicant | Martin Caouette | Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières |
Co-applicant | Élise Milot | Université Laval |
Collaborator | Gabrielle Poirier-Lamarche | Laura Lémerveil |
Partner | Laura Lémerveil | Québec, QC |
Title | Analyse du parcours d'une innovation sociale : le cas de l'organisme Laura Lémerveil | |
Years | 1 | |
Funding | $21,235 |
Applicant | Anyck Dauphin | Université du Québec en Outaouais |
Collaborator | Guy Chiasson | Université du Québec en Outaouais |
Partner | MRC Pontiac | Campbell's Bay, QC |
Title | Réinstallation et accompagnement de familles immigrantes en milieu agricole | |
Years | 1 | |
Funding | $24,992 |
Applicant | Régine Debrosse | McGill University |
Title | Fostering resilience, perseverance and engagement through a restorative justice intervention for Black youth | |
Years | 1 | |
Funding | $24,998 |
Applicant | Birsen Donmez | University of Toronto |
Co-applicant | James Pratt | University of Toronto |
Paul Hess | University of Toronto | |
Partner | City of Guelph | Guelph, ON |
Title | Informing the Design of Safe Intersections: An On-road Instrumented-Vehicle Study Investigating Driver Attentional Failures toward Vulnerable Road Users | |
Years | 1 | |
Funding | $25,000 |
Applicant | Yann Fournis | Université du Québec à Rimouski |
Co-applicant | Nathalie Lewis | Université du Québec à Rimouski |
Nicolas Devaux | Université du Québec à Rimouski | |
Partner | MRC de La Mitis | Mont-Joli, QC |
Title | Renforcer le leadership territorial : vers une redéfinition du rôle des élus municipaux ? | |
Years | 1 | |
Funding | $25,000 |
Applicant | Mathieu Hotton | Université Laval |
Co-applicant | Claude Vincent | Université Laval |
Normand Boucher | Université Laval | |
Partner | Association des personnes avec une déficience de l'audition | Québec, QC |
Title | Expérience du processus d'appareillage auditif et impacts du programme « D'une oreille à l'autre » chez les personnes présentant une surdité et leurs proches | |
Years | 1 | |
Funding | $24,999 |
Applicant | Marc Mitchell | Western University |
Co-applicant | Dilip Soman | University of Toronto |
Eva Pila | Western University | |
Harry Prapavessis | Western University | |
Stephanie Orstad | New York University | |
Collaborator | Sarah Richard | Other/Unknown |
Partner | Sprout Wellness Solutions Inc. | Toronto, ON |
Title | The Behavioural Economics for Engagement ("BEE") Study: Applying behavioural economics in the examination and promotion of physical activity app engagement | |
Years | 1 | |
Funding | $24,404 |
Applicant | Marina Morgenshtern | Trent University |
Co-applicant | Dalon Taylor | Trent University |
Gabriela Novotna | McMaster University | |
Collaborator | Sarah Hickman | Regional Municipality of Durham |
Partner | Regional Municipality of Durham | Whitby, ON |
Title | Empowerment and Exclusion in Immigrant Experiences of Securing Professional Employment in the Region of Durham | |
Years | 1 | |
Funding | $24,925 |
Applicant | Émilie Raymond | Université Laval |
Co-applicant | Normand Boucher | Université Laval |
Collaborator | Vicky Archambault | Centre intégré universitaire de santé et de services sociaux de la Capitale-Nationale |
Partner | Association des personnes handicapées de Portneuf | Pont-Rouge, QC |
Title | Les besoins des personnes handicapées de la région de Portneuf en matière de participation sociale : les répertorier et les comprendre pour mieux y répondre | |
Years | 1 | |
Funding | $24,879 |
Applicant | Lori Ross | University of Toronto |
Co-applicant | Hannah Kia | The University of British Columbia |
Nick Mulé | York University | |
Collaborator | David Kinitz | University of Toronto |
Partner | St Stephen's Community House | Toronto, ON |
Title | The political economy of precarious work: Stories of economic insecurity and work among sexual minority men | |
Years | 1 | |
Funding | $25,000 |
Applicant | Mélanie Trottier | Université du Québec à Montréal |
Co-applicant | Ewan Oiry | Université du Québec à Montréal |
Hugo Cyr | Université du Québec à Montréal | |
Collaborator | Anne Thibault-Bellerose | Confédération des syndicats nationaux |
Dominic Martin | Université du Québec à Montréal | |
Ève-Marie Lampron | Université du Québec à Montréal | |
Sébastien Gambs | Université du Québec à Montréal | |
Partner | Fédération des professionnèles – CSN | Montréal, QC |
Title | Intelligence artificielle (IA) chez les professionnels-les: étendue, enjeux et impacts | |
Years | 1 | |
Funding | $17,900 |
Applicant | Sujith Xavier | University of Windsor |
Co-applicant | Kate Cronin-Furman | University College London |
Partner | People for Equality and Relief in Lanka | Washington, DC |
Title | Paths to Justice: International Legal Strategies for Accountability in Sri Lanka | |
Years | 1 | |
Funding | $19,764 |
Successful Programs in 3B
Applicant | Caroline Bouchard | Université Laval |
Co-applicant | Nathalie Bigras | Université du Québec à Montréal |
Collaborator | Christine Hamel | Université Laval |
Partner | Association québécoise des centres de la petite enfance | Montréal, QC |
Title | Mise en place d'un accompagnement professionnel en matière de soutien à l'apprentissage auprès d'éducatrices à la petite enfance oeuvrant en contexte d'éducation par la nature | |
Years | 1 | |
Funding | $24,957 |
Applicant | Jack Lucas | University of Calgary |
Co-applicant | Michael McGregor | Ryerson University |
Collaborator | Robson Fletcher | Canadian Broadcasting Corporation |
Partner | Canadian Broadcasting Corporation | Calgary, AB |
Title | Informing the Electorate: Public Opinion and Local Media for the Calgary Municipal Election | |
Years | 1 | |
Funding | $18,200 |
Applicant | Armel Brice Adanhounme | Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières |
Co-applicant | Aguidioli Chrysal Kenoukon | Université d'Abomey-Calavi |
Collaborator | Nagnini Mampo Kassa Mampo | Confédération syndicale des travailleurs du Bénin |
Partner | Confédération syndicale des travailleurs du Bénin | Benin |
Title | Résistances syndicales aux réformes néolibérales du droit du travail en Afrique subsaharienne : les initiatives de la Confédération syndicale des travailleurs du Bénin | |
Years | 1 | |
Funding | $25,000 |
Applicant | Emily Cameron | University of Manitoba |
Co-applicant | Jennifer Protudjer | University of Manitoba |
Leslie Roos | University of Manitoba | |
Tracie Afifi | University of Manitoba | |
Partner | KIDTHINK | Winnipeg, MB |
Title | Building BRIDGEs: Adapting parent wellness supports for families of children with developmental and mental health needs at KIDTHINK Inc | |
Years | 1 | |
Funding | $25,000 |
Applicant | Milena Droumeva | Simon Fraser University |
Partner | HCMA Architecture + Design | Vancouver, BC |
Title | Cityscape: A Game about Sound and Urban Living | |
Years | 1 | |
Funding | $23,622 |
Applicant | Rachel Langevin | McGill University |
Co-applicant | Delphine Collin-Vézina | McGill University |
Louise Gauthier | L'Envol, programme d'aide aux jeunes mères | |
Raphaëlle Perreault | L'Envol, programme d'aide aux jeunes mères | |
Partner | L'Envol, programme d'aide aux jeunes mères | Lemoyne, QC |
Title | Trauma-Informed Care for Young At-Risk Mothers: A Research-Practice Collaboration with L'Envol | |
Years | 1 | |
Funding | $19,000 |
Applicant | Ruth Rodney | York University |
Partner | Sexual Assault Centre - Hamilton and Area | Hamilton, ON |
Title | Strengthening Hamilton women's organizations for gender-based violence response: Examining anti-oppression policies' impact on black, indigenous, and people of colour women workers | |
Years | 1 | |
Funding | $24,920 |
Applicant | Pierre Chastenay | Université du Québec à Montréal |
Co-applicant | Jean-Philippe Ayotte-Beaudet | Université de Sherbrooke |
Partner | Les Neurones atomiques | Montréal, QC |
Title | Impact des animations scientifiques des Neurones atomiques sur l'attitude de personnes enseignantes du primaire envers l'enseignement de la science et de la technologie dans leur classe | |
Years | 1 | |
Funding | $24,474 |
Applicant | S. Hélène Deacon | Dalhousie University |
Collaborator | Jenny Thomson | University of Sheffield |
Partner | Canadian Children's Literacy Foundation | Toronto, ON |
Title | Partnering to empower parents to support full literacy for children | |
Years | 1 | |
Funding | $25,000 |
Applicant | Isabelle Gauvin | Université du Québec à Montréal |
Co-applicant | Isabelle Plante | Université du Québec à Montréal |
Line Laplante | Université du Québec à Montréal | |
Marie-France Côté | Université du Québec à Montréal | |
Martin Riopel | Université du Québec à Montréal | |
Myriam Fontaine | Université du Québec à Montréal | |
Patrick Charland | Université du Québec à Montréal | |
Rosianne Arseneau | Université du Québec à Montréal | |
Stéphane Cyr | Université du Québec à Montréal | |
Partner | Alloprof | Montréal, QC |
Title | Quels effets de jeux éducatifs en ligne sur l'apprentissage et sur la motivation des élèves? Évaluation de ressources d'Alloprof pour le français et les mathématiques | |
Years | 1 | |
Funding | $24,940 |
Applicant | Maud Gendron-Langevin | Université du Québec à Montréal |
Co-applicant | Guillaume Ouellet | Centre intégré universitaire de santé et de services sociaux du Centre-Sud-de-l'Île-de-Montréal |
Collaborator | Jean Horvais | Université du Québec à Montréal |
Partner | Place des Arts | Montréal, QC |
Title | Les arts vivants pour une expérience inclusive : évaluation de la participation au programme Art adapté offert par la Place des Arts | |
Years | 1 | |
Funding | $24,999 |
Applicant | P. Whitney Lackenbauer | Trent University |
Co-applicant | Christopher Furgal | Trent University |
Mark Stoller | Trent University | |
Peter Kikkert | St. Francis Xavier University | |
Partner | 1st Canadian Ranger Patrol Group | Yellowknife, NT |
Title | Youth Resilience and Community Resilience in Canada's Northern Territories: Measuring the Success of the Junior Canadian Rangers | |
Years | 1 | |
Funding | $25,000 |
Applicant | Beth Martin | Carleton University |
Co-applicant | Thomas McDowell | Ryerson University |
Partner | The Hamilton Roundtable for Poverty Reduction | Hamilton, ON |
Title | Experiences of the Ontario Basic Income Pilot | |
Years | 1 | |
Funding | $24,463 |
Applicant | Taniya Nagpal | University of Ottawa |
Co-applicant | Helena Piccinini-Vallis | Dalhousie University |
Kristi Adamo | University of Ottawa | |
Collaborator | Danilo da Silva | University of Ottawa |
Kara Nerenberg | University of Calgary | |
Laura Gaudet | Queen's University | |
Margie Davenport | University of Alberta | |
Michael Vallis | Dalhousie University | |
Rebecca Liu | Women's College Hospital | |
Rhonda Bell | University of Alberta | |
Partner | Obesity Canada | Edmonton, AB |
Title | Understanding internalized weight bias during pregnancy | |
Years | 1 | |
Funding | $24,572 |
Applicant | Philippe Pasquier | Simon Fraser University |
Partner | SPLIQS Intelligent Media Inc | Vancouver, BC |
Title | Designing interactions for musical creative AI | |
Years | 1 | |
Funding | $20,000 |
Applicant | Maxime Robert | Université Laval |
Collaborator | Krista Best | Université Laval |
Paula Rushton | Université de Montréal | |
Partner | Adaptavie Inc. | Québec, QC |
Title | Fundamental movement skills in children with physical disabilities | |
Years | 1 | |
Funding | $25,000 |
Applicant | Stephan Schott | Carleton University |
Co-applicant | Chantal Langlois | Government of Nunavut |
Jacqueline Chapman | Carleton University | |
Partner | Government of Nunavut | Cambridge Bay, NU |
Title | Understanding, evaluating and implementing Arctic food security and sovereignty strategies based on an Inuit community perspective | |
Years | 1 | |
Funding | $25,000 |
Applicant | Laurier Turgeon | Université Laval |
Partner | Conseil de la Première Nation des Innus Essipit | Essipit, QC |
Title | Ätshuku (« le phoque » en langue innue) : la chasse aux phoques à Essipit, au Québec | |
Years | 1 | |
Funding | $24,966 |
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