Moselle, Sarah N. |
National University of Singapore |
Social determinants of labour migration in rural Indonesia |
105 000,00 $ |
Tonkin, Ryan J. |
University of Victoria |
Democratizing distributive justice: public reason and the law of taxation |
105 000,00 $ |
Pépin, Karine |
Université de Sherbrooke |
La noblesse canadienne après la Conquête : maintien ou dérogeance, 1760-1900 |
105 000,00 $ |
Harms, Sheila |
Université York |
Chaos in physician learning: tensions between certainty and humility |
105 000,00 $ |
Wang, Skyler |
University of California, Berkeley |
'Sharing' bodies in the sharing economy: the hidden costs of couchsurfing |
105 000,00 $ |
Taylor-Neu, Robyn H. |
University of Chicago |
Mediating truth in public/s: the role of investigative journalists in Central America's 'Northern Triangle' |
105 000,00 $ |
Braund, Sumner A.R. |
University of Oxford |
Dynastic cults: gendered constructions of sanctity in Anglo-Saxon England |
105 000,00 $ |
Luscombe, Alexander J. |
Université d'Ottawa |
With/out strings attached: assessing police-private ties through charitable donations |
105 000,00 $ |
Banerjee, Neil |
Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
On the availability of multiple specifiers |
105 000,00 $ |
Ramani, Samuel Nathan |
University of Oxford |
Explaining Russia's increasingly aggressive responses to popular revolutions: an instrumental constructivist approach |
105 000,00 $ |
LeBlanc, Richard |
Princeton University |
Kant and the colonial enlightenment |
105 000,00 $ |
Sun, Angela M. |
University of British Columbia |
Philosophical perspectives on architectural value |
105 000,00 $ |
Macdonald, Alexandra M.M. |
University College London |
Social networking, gossip and material culture in eighteenth-century Britain |
105 000,00 $ |
Schnitzer, Ben |
Queen's University |
Toward a comprehensive framework for Canadian arts and culture policy in the digital era: a multi-stakeholder analysis |
105 000,00 $ |
Lindsay, Margaret Anne |
Université du Manitoba |
The radicalization of Red River: imagined communities and colonialism in the Red River settlement, 1835 to 1870 |
105 000,00 $ |
Couture, Fannie |
Simon Fraser University |
How do trade associations manage their internal tensions in order to accomplish collective institutionalentrepreneurship |
105 000,00 $ |
Boschmann, Kathryn R. |
Université Concordia |
Faith and space: Jews, Christians, and Muslims in post-1945 Winnipeg |
105 000,00 $ |
Sangiuliano, Anthony R. |
Cornell University |
The separation of powers and the philosophical foundations of cooperative constitutionalism |
105 000,00 $ |
Forrest, Jacob |
University of British Columbia |
The value-neutrality of economic valuation: examining the birth of standardized property appraisals in Canada |
105 000,00 $ |
Le Barbenchon, Claire |
University of Chicago |
The effects of vulnerability on labour market outcomes for the poorest: a study of 'invisible barriers' |
105 000,00 $ |
Bath, Rachel |
Duquesne University |
Each of us has his own rhythm of suffering: on the phenomena of intense grief |
105 000,00 $ |
Choudhury, Nafay |
King's College London |
Conceptualizing the failures and successes of legal transplantations based on cultural difference: the case of Afghanistan |
105 000,00 $ |
Moore, Charlotte E. |
Duke University |
Speech perception and production in infants: a multi-methodological approach |
105 000,00 $ |
Chenier, Natasha R. |
Université McGill |
Lexical modernism |
105 000,00 $ |
Gillis, Matthew L. |
University of Oxford |
Thus Cwæþ the cyning, evermore: a study of law, lineage, and royal authority in King Alfred's project of literary reform |
105 000,00 $ |
Chin, Kristi A. |
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor |
Attachment, intimacy, and hormones |
105 000,00 $ |
Murphy, Caroline E. |
Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Marshaling architecture as historical evidence in seventeenth-century England |
105 000,00 $ |
Hammond, Carson R.S. |
University of Toronto |
Writing the nonsense job: literary aesthetics of conspicuous alienation |
105 000,00 $ |
Story, Eric |
Wilfrid Laurier University |
Fighting the white Plague: tuberculosis in the era of the First World War in Canada |
105 000,00 $ |
Mayer, Connor J. |
University of California, Los Angeles |
Embodied primitives in phonological theory |
105 000,00 $ |
Carson, Tyler |
Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey |
Surviving queer narcissism: childhood, archives, self-reflexivity |
105 000,00 $ |
Beingessner, Naomi E. |
Université du Manitoba |
Beyond private and public: models of agricultural land tenure and governance in the prairie provinces |
105 000,00 $ |
Whiteduck, Mallory |
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor |
Skunk medicine and deer hide: material culture and the performance of Algonquin kinship |
105 000,00 $ |
Zuliani, Andrew D. |
New York University |
Dazzle and scatter: the aesthetics of counter-surveillance |
105 000,00 $ |
Critchley, Harrington F. |
Boston College |
The usus pauper debate: Peter John Olivi at the origin of individual rights theory |
105 000,00 $ |
Gauthier, Maeva |
University of Victoria |
Food security, social and environmental justice, and resilience in the Canadian Arctic, using participatory video method |
105 000,00 $ |
Kim, Dongwon |
University of Toronto |
Threads of devotion: clothwork in the spiritual imagination of late medieval nuns, c. 1380-1515 |
105 000,00 $ |
Lau, Bryony |
London School of Economics and Political Science |
The legacy of the left: thwarted communist revolution and the politics of inequality in Southeast Asia |
105 000,00 $ |
Campbell, Hawley N. |
University of Calgary |
Is trade bad for the environment: a novel analysis of the pollution haven hypothesis |
105 000,00 $ |
Wangert, Devin |
Brown University |
New ordinaries: media/ted archaeologies of contemporary crises |
105 000,00 $ |
Motala, Michael |
Université York |
The new international tax diplomacy: an empirical analysis of legal and regulatory compliance among G-20 nations |
105 000,00 $ |
Bradshaw, Samantha |
University of Oxford |
The politics of cybersecurity standards |
105 000,00 $ |
Vogl, Thomas M. |
University of Oxford |
Enabling big data in government services: removing barriers to the implementation of information and communication technologies that support service provision, program evaluation, policy analysis, decision making, and research |
105 000,00 $ |
Brie, Èvelyne |
University of Pennsylvania |
L'impact des enjeux électoraux polarisants sur le taux de participation électorale : analyse comparée des États membres de l'OCDE |
105 000,00 $ |
Krech, Michele |
New York University, School of Law |
Competing rights and regulations: strengthening transnational regulatory accountability for the advancement of gender equality in sport |
105 000,00 $ |
Bird, Christine Y. |
University of Victoria |
Taybwaytamowin: understanding the power of culture, language and land in the development of community decolonization strategies |
105 000,00 $ |
Eso, David J. |
University of Victoria |
Flattened earth and the civic sphere in Alden Nowlan's archive |
105 000,00 $ |
Gauvreau, Alisha M. |
University of Victoria |
Long-term culture landscape development at Triquet Island, British Columbia, Canada |
105 000,00 $ |
George, Rachel A. |
University of Victoria |
The convergence of reconciliation and resurgence in the age of healing |
105 000,00 $ |
Hamilton, Robert C. |
University of Victoria |
Aboriginal title and the dispossession of Indigenous lands in Canada's maritime provinces |
105 000,00 $ |
Kazani, Zahra S. |
University of Victoria |
Magical incantation or scientific ingenuity: recovering meanings of Arabic script patterns in medieval Islam |
105 000,00 $ |
Mohun, Hannah E. |
University of Victoria |
Standing in someone else's emotional and cognitive shoes: does it make children more socially competent |
105 000,00 $ |
Park, Hyeone H. |
University of British Columbia |
Building social resilience of urban communities with food forestry |
105 000,00 $ |
Wees, Nicholas J. |
Western University |
Street arts, social space and creative action: an analysis of claims to public space |
105 000,00 $ |
Rousseau, Andréanne |
SciencesPo |
D'une économie numérique à une économie algorithmique de la culture : enjeux et mesures |
105 000,00 $ |
Allard-Chapais, Catherine |
Université de Montréal |
Le rôle de la mentalisation dans la relation entre l'autocritique et l'automutilation |
105 000,00 $ |
Badrudin, Marie |
Université de Montréal |
Ethnographie des pratiques de régulation de la délinquance boursière |
105 000,00 $ |
Bédard-Provencher, Ariane |
Université de Montréal |
Féminisme sécularisé et féminisme musulman au Canada : ethnographie comparative de l'influence des représentations du sécularisme et de l'inclusion des enjeux du féminisme musulman au sein des mouvements féministes sécularisés entre l'Ontario et le Québec |
105 000,00 $ |
Bellerive, Karine |
Université de Montréal |
L'écriture autobiographique comme expérience performative du vieillissement : une exploration du soi vieillissant par une recherche-création féministe |
105 000,00 $ |
Bradette, Marie Eve |
Université de Montréal |
La langue en portage : l'imaginaire des langues autochtones dans la littérature des premières nations écrite en français |
105 000,00 $ |
Cossette-Lefebvre, Hugo * |
Université McGill |
Les droits humains en démocratie : pour une approche institutionnelle de ces normes politiques et fondamentalement démocratiques |
105 000,00 $ |
Dahan, Michel |
Université de Montréal |
Je vais retourner chargé de reliques : la dévotion aux saints des catacombes romaines au Canada |
105 000,00 $ |
Darveau-St-Pierre, Vincent |
Université de Montréal |
La certitude morale chez Descartes |
105 000,00 $ |
David, Isabelle |
Université de Montréal |
Sur les traces d'Auguste Descarries (1896-1958) : analyse des enjeux pianistiques et édition d'oeuvres pour piano solo du compositeur québécois |
105 000,00 $ |
Deschênes, Marie-France |
Université de Montréal |
Le développement du raisonnement par une stratégie éducative basée sur la concordance de script |
105 000,00 $ |
Gagnon Dion, Marie-Hélène |
Université de Montréal |
La protection des enfants autochtones : vers des pratiques culturellement ancrées |
105 000,00 $ |
Georgiou, Angelos |
Université de Montréal |
Philosophie comme manière de vivre : la conciliation entre l'acte -ergon- et la parole -logos- chez le Socrate de Platon et le Socrate de Xénophon |
105 000,00 $ |
Girard, Marie-Andrée |
Université de Montréal |
Impact de l'encadrement légal sur la pratique collaborative interprofessionnelle en établissement de santé au Québec : étude en méthode mixte |
105 000,00 $ |
Hamel-Roy, Laurence |
Université de Montréal |
Allocation directe dans le secteur de l'aide à la personne : quelle implication pour la main-d'oeuvre immigrante et/ou racialisée |
105 000,00 $ |
Lajoie, Steffen J. |
Université de Montréal |
Where top-down policy meets bottom-up initiative: how Colombia's National Adaptation Plan works with Bogotá's poor |
105 000,00 $ |
Lambert, Kevin |
Université de Montréal |
Le livre sublimé : écrire la fin du livre – Beaulieu, Cixous, Duras, Quintane – suivi de Obombre d'Hubert Aquin |
105 000,00 $ |
Lamothe, Josianne |
Université de Montréal |
Patient violence in psychiatric settings: a study of the role of social support, aggression management training and cumulative exposure to violence |
105 000,00 $ |
Legault Verdier, Alicia |
Université de Montréal |
Matérialités, visibilités et expériences musulmanes : les Baye Fall aux États-Unis, en Italie et au Sénégal |
105 000,00 $ |
Marcoux, Gabrielle |
Université de Montréal |
Modes de gestion et de conceptualisation du territoire dans l'art autochtone actuel au Canada : souveraineté rhétorique, mémorielle et territoriale |
105 000,00 $ |
Monteiro Joca Martins, Martha Priscylla |
Université de Montréal |
Territorial rights and Indigenous women in environmental conflicts: perspective gaps between law, life and landscape in Canada and Brazil |
105 000,00 $ |
Morin, Dominic |
Université Paris-Sorbonne (Paris IV) |
Subjectivité et socialité : individuation et entrelacement intentionnel dans les écrits tardifs de Husserl |
105 000,00 $ |
Paquin, Simon |
Université de Montréal |
Les conditions environnementales et climatiques des premières dispersions d'humains anatomiquement modernes eu Europe de l'Ouest |
105 000,00 $ |
Parent, Valérie |
Université de Montréal |
Transfert des connaissances et actualisation des connaissances en centre de réadaptation de la jeunesse |
105 000,00 $ |
Pelland, Danielle* |
Université de Montréal |
Intégration sociale des personnes ayant un trouble grave de santé mentale sous l'égide d'un cadre légal : regards croisés des divers acteurs québécois et suisses |
105 000,00 $ |
Poirier, Brigitte |
Université de Montréal |
L'approche des réseaux sociaux appliquée à l'acquisition d'armes à feu illégales au Canada |
105 000,00 $ |
Pothier Bouchard, Geneviève |
Université de Montréal |
Comparing neanderthal and homo sapiens animal acquisition in Northwest Italy: collagen fingerprinting-informed archeozoological and taphonomic analyses of faunal assemblages from Riparo Bombrini-Balzi Rossi |
105 000,00 $ |
Robichaud, Jean-Michel |
Université de Montréal |
Quand et comment exercer son autorité : impacts du domaine social et de la nature du lien transgression – discipline sur l'obéissance et le processus d'intériorisation des adolescents |
105 000,00 $ |
Tétreault, Emilie |
Université de Montréal |
Relations parents-enfant et développement des patrons de sommeil à l'âge préscolaire |
105 000,00 $ |
Thouin, Éliane |
Université de Montréal |
Conditions de vie stressantes et santé mentale lors de la transition à l'âge adulte chez les jeunes décrocheurs |
105 000,00 $ |
Trudeau, Simon |
Université de Montréal |
Développement professionnel suite à l'évaluation du potentiel : de l'intention à l'action |
105 000,00 $ |
Vani, Juliette |
Université de Montréal |
Théorie narrative du procès et verdicts : bon sens et biais sociaux |
105 000,00 $ |
Zoghlami, Khaoula |
Université de Montréal |
Pratiques communicationnelles et dynamiques de représentation des femmes députées à l'Assemblée Nationale Constituante tunisienne post-révolutionnaire |
105 000,00 $ |
Andrews, Katherine E. |
Université McGill |
Facilitating preschool children's consideration of intention |
105 000,00 $ |
Beaulieu, Leah |
Université McGill |
A review of the effects, facilitators, and barriers of evidence-based psychological interventions |
105 000,00 $ |
Berthiaume, Annabelle |
Université McGill |
La pauvreté intergénérationelle dans une communauté territoriale : ethnographie des acteurs du quartier Hochelaga-Maisonneuve |
105 000,00 $ |
Blais, Michaël |
Université Laval |
S'approprier un passé qui n'est pas le sien : l'usage de la mémoire dans le roman québécois contemporain |
105 000,00 $ |
Cardinal, Pierre-Alexandre |
Université McGill |
China, the West and international law: from revolutions against empire to the limits of modernity |
105 000,00 $ |
Côté-Roy, Laurence |
Université McGill |
Morocco's master-planned future: deconstructing the kingdom's city-centric reform |
105 000,00 $ |
Felts, Kyrstin P. |
Université McGill |
Fan campaigns for better representation: activism in online communities |
105 000,00 $ |
Joachim, Joana |
Université McGill |
Don't touch my hair: examining transformations in black female hair care and styling practices in 19th-century genre paintings in Canada and the United States |
105 000,00 $ |
Kelly, Jack D. |
Université McGill |
Digital processing vs recording methodologies: a comparison of techniques for immersive multichannel 3D audio |
105 000,00 $ |
Kielich, Gabrielle |
Université McGill |
A labour perspective on the working process and function of touring |
105 000,00 $ |
Lamb, Pamela S. |
Université McGill |
The art of ally conversation: arts-based methods to address violence towards Indigenous women |
105 000,00 $ |
Makarova, Evgeniya |
Université McGill |
Idee und Gestalt—of the national socialist temporality: mediating myth in architectural representation |
105 000,00 $ |
Melanson, Marie-Ève * |
Université McGill |
Le défi des conceptions subjective et objective de la liberté de religion dans le droit canadien pour l'inclusion des minorités religieuses |
105 000,00 $ |
Noh, Kisuk |
Université McGill |
The American short story and monthly magazines, 1969 to the present |
105 000,00 $ |
Page, Gina L. |
Université McGill |
Aspiring to heal, not harm: the impact of evidence-based design on Canadian and American hospital architecture |
105 000,00 $ |
Penoyer-Kulin, Trevor |
Université McGill |
Opérette from the years 1872-1898: a foundational history |
105 000,00 $ |
Pigford, Ashlee-Ann |
Université McGill |
Engaging an innovations ecosystems approach to enhance the translation and integration of northern scientific research |
105 000,00 $ |
Ross-Sheppard, Callan |
Université McGill |
Poisoned chalices: lead isotope analyses of archaeological human remains and lead bearing ceramic materials from Liao Dynasty 907-1125ce sites in Northeastern China |
105 000,00 $ |
Sivathasan, Shalini |
Université McGill |
Multimodal emotion recognition in children with autism spectrum disorders: the case of music, face, and voice |
105 000,00 $ |
Tetrault, Amanda L. |
Université McGill |
Picturing otherness: an analysis of Islamophobia and cultural othering in Canada through phenomenological participatory action research using staged photography |
105 000,00 $ |
Veilleux, Christian |
University of Toronto |
Formes et enjeux du parallèle dans les – meslanges – renaissants |
105 000,00 $ |
White, Willow D. |
Université McGill |
Dangerous comedy: women playwrights of the eighteenth century |
105 000,00 $ |
Anctil Avoine, Priscyll |
Université du Québec à Montréal |
La vulnérabilité et la précarité comme mécanismes pour l'action politique : la résistance corporelle des femmes en processus de réintégration à la vie civile dans le département de santander en Colombie |
105 000,00 $ |
Brisson, Pierre-Luc L. |
Université du Québec à Montréal |
Rome, Paul-Émile et la troisième guerre de macédoine: évolution des rapports interétatiques en méditerranée ancienne |
105 000,00 $ |
Charest-Réhel, Sandrine |
Université d'Ottawa |
Les espaces muséaux et mémoriels de la shoah face aux enjeux contemporains : analyse comparative Canada, France et pologne 2001-2020 |
105 000,00 $ |
Descheneaux, Julie |
Université du Québec à Montréal |
Soutenir la prise de décision pour optimiser l'efficacité des stratégies de transfert et d'utilisation des connaissances dans les apprentissages sociosexuels |
105 000,00 $ |
Deville-Stoetzel, Jean-Benoît |
Université du Québec à Montréal |
Métamorphoses de la – menace psychédélique – : entre thérapeutique, spiritualisme, récréation et risques |
105 000,00 $ |
Favreau-Léger, Marilou |
University of Toronto |
Trajectoires institutionnelles, nationalismes, et stratégies de mobilisation : analyse historique comparative de l'Irlande du Nord et de l'Écosse |
105 000,00 $ |
Grenon, Elisa |
Université du Québec à Montréal |
Liens entre biais négatif d'auto-évaluation de compétence scolaire et sentiment d'imposture chez les élèves |
105 000,00 $ |
Guertin, Monelle |
Université du Québec à Montréal |
Variation phonétique et évaluations sociales dans les français parlés au Québec et en Acadie : existe-t-il une norme orale partagée |
105 000,00 $ |
Mathieu, Félix |
Université du Québec à Montréal |
Les nations fragiles : institutions et citoyennetés en contexte plurinational |
105 000,00 $ |
Nenciovici, Lucian |
Université du Québec à Montréal |
Effets de deux pratiques pédagogiques sur l'apprentissage de concepts difficiles en sciences |
105 000,00 $ |
Paquette, Mélodie |
Université du Québec à Montréal |
Constituants-clés de la pause active dans la classe primaire : effets sur les interactions dans le groupe |
105 000,00 $ |
Poirier, Marjolaine |
Université du Québec à Montréal |
Le spectacle de la ville : l'identité de Montréal et Québec aux premiers temps de la photographie en trois dimensions |
105 000,00 $ |
Radziszewski, Stephanie |
Université du Québec à Montréal |
Influence de l'environnement résidentiel sur le bien-être des locataires en logements sociaux |
105 000,00 $ |
Riggi, Jessica |
Université du Québec à Montréal |
Le mouvement environnementaliste québécois et la politisation des enjeux environnementaux au Québec, 1970-1984 |
105 000,00 $ |
Theurillat-Cloutier, Arnaud |
Université du Québec à Montréal |
Philosophie sociale de la financiarisation du capitalisme : la finance est-elle une nouvelle médiation sociale |
105 000,00 $ |
Toupin, Rémi |
Université du Québec à Montréal |
Médias sociaux et sciences de l'environnement : les transformations de l'activité scientifique et du rôle social des chercheurs à l'ère numérique |
105 000,00 $ |
Ahmed, Sadaf N. |
University of Toronto |
Muslim women and maternity care: re-producing Islams in Canada |
105 000,00 $ |
Beaulne-Stuebing, Rebecca L. |
University of Toronto |
Untold histories of 1970s Indigenous resistance: storywork with women and elders |
105 000,00 $ |
Bos, Kristen |
University of Toronto |
Artefacts for resurgence: the material culture of the Métis |
105 000,00 $ |
Botchwey, Brianna L.S. |
University of Toronto |
Understanding the politics of climate change adaptation in East Africa |
105 000,00 $ |
Brocic, Milos |
University of Toronto |
Negotiating nuance or cultivating conviction: assessing the impact of associations on polarization |
105 000,00 $ |
Chianelli, Julianna E. |
University of Toronto |
Middle English literature and premodern technologies of identity |
105 000,00 $ |
DuBois, Denise |
University of Toronto |
Somewhere to turn: relocating from the family home for adults with developmental disabilities |
105 000,00 $ |
Dumont-Gauthier, Marina |
University of Toronto |
Resisting labels: mapping liminal spaces and the emergence of modernism |
105 000,00 $ |
Duoer, Daigengna |
University of Toronto |
Mapping Inner Mongolian Buddhists: a study on land, Buddhism, and identities in Inner Mongolia, 1911-1949 |
105 000,00 $ |
Ferguson, Amanda M. |
University of Toronto |
Behaviourally measuring mindfulness: evaluating mental effort as an index of open monitoring |
105 000,00 $ |
Hall, Jessica S. |
University of Toronto |
The characteristics of computation in Computational Theories of Mind |
105 000,00 $ |
He, Yongshan |
University of Toronto |
How images became alive: Buddhism and the transformation of figural representations in China |
105 000,00 $ |
He, Chong |
University of Toronto |
Gender and self-presentation in the labour market |
105 000,00 $ |
Helps, David |
University of Toronto |
Meeting the new neighbours: America's Town Meeting of the Air and the Global Community, 1935-1956 |
105 000,00 $ |
Hird-Younger, Miriam |
University of Toronto |
Reimagining participation: situating trust within agricultural development in Ghana |
105 000,00 $ |
Hussain, Sherena |
University of Toronto |
Planning by leverage: understanding the influence of project finance and long term contracts for infrastructure delivery on Canadian urban centres |
105 000,00 $ |
Jackson, Taryn L. |
University of Toronto |
Audible visions of modernity: music and technology in Italian fin-de-siècle ballets |
105 000,00 $ |
Kaufman, Andrew F. |
University of Toronto |
Feeding on the dead: vulture funds, sovereign debt, and the urban implications of global finance |
105 000,00 $ |
Kennedy, Daniel |
University of Toronto |
Legal and literary fictions at the early modern inns of court>/ |
105 000,00 $ |
Kim, James |
University of Toronto |
Sexual rejection in romantic relationships and the management of sexual disagreements |
105 000,00 $ |
Klippenstein, Christine P. |
University of Toronto |
Liminal landscapes in Middle English and Shakespeare: topography, otherworldly encounters, and the romance tradition |
105 000,00 $ |
Konnelly, Alexah D. |
University of Toronto |
Enriching sociolinguistic categories: evidence from LGBTQ speech communities |
105 000,00 $ |
Laming, Erick |
University of Toronto |
The evolution of police use of force practices and procedures in Ontario, 1990-2016: the case of Aboriginal communities |
105 000,00 $ |
Lem-Smith, Timothy C. |
University of Toronto |
The literary production of paranoid hermeneutics in modernist and postmodernist literature |
105 000,00 $ |
Lightstone, Vardit R.C. |
University of Toronto |
Performing immigrant identity: Canadian Yiddish life stories |
105 000,00 $ |
Louie, Patricia |
University of Toronto |
Public attitudes towards employment discrimination claimants: do race and gender matter |
105 000,00 $ |
Manis, Karl |
University of Toronto |
Technology, embodiment, and postmodern identity in contemporary American fiction |
105 000,00 $ |
McLelland, Kaleigh H. |
University of Toronto |
The Church is in crisis: (re)making religious institutions in Quebec |
105 000,00 $ |
Menicanin, Sadie |
University of Toronto |
Modernism, staged: the dramaturgy and mise-en-scène of operas by Zemlinsky, Schreker, and Korngold |
105 000,00 $ |
Mersereau, Michel |
University of Toronto |
The internet as a social resource: the internet's role in supporting social housing in Toronto |
105 000,00 $ |
Milad, Jonathan |
University of Toronto |
Defining the indefinable concept of terrorism |
105 000,00 $ |
Mogosanu, Andreea |
University of Toronto |
Social change and the evolution of gender differences in psychosocial resources |
105 000,00 $ |
Moozeh, Kimia |
University of Toronto |
Retooling engineering education: an integrated instructional framework to enhance learning in undergraduate laboratories |
105 000,00 $ |
Nevin, Andrew D. |
University of Toronto |
Understanding chronic digital piracy experiences in Canada |
105 000,00 $ |
Nocita, Gabriella A. |
University of Toronto |
The effect of high quality subsidized child care on low income families in Toronto |
105 000,00 $ |
Peckel, Ariel |
University of Toronto |
Anti-Semitism as archetypal system of generic hatred: a philosophical genealogy |
105 000,00 $ |
Peterson, Jonathan |
University of Toronto |
Demons in holy dress: religious polemic and the language of sectarianism in India, 1520-1700 |
105 000,00 $ |
Roussel, Anne Sophie |
University of Toronto |
To speak or not to speak French: immigrants and the linguistic-moral contract in Québec |
105 000,00 $ |
Sanders, Jane E. * |
University of Toronto |
Understanding, reaching and supporting students expelled from school: an exploratory study of students who have been expelled in Ontario |
105 000,00 $ |
Sanscartier, Shayne A.M. |
University of Toronto |
Attachment styles and community connectedness in sexual minorities |
105 000,00 $ |
Sewell, Karen M. |
University of Toronto |
Evaluating client outcomes of staff supervision: a randomized control trial of a theoretically grounded, evidence-informed model of supervision for children with disruptive behavioural difficulties |
105 000,00 $ |
Shen, Qingyang |
University of Toronto |
Impact of public transit fare subsidies across neighbourhoods and income categories |
105 000,00 $ |
Sokil, Allison |
University of Toronto |
Women producing pop: silent strategies and tactics in the music industry |
105 000,00 $ |
Waite, Spirit-Rose |
University of Toronto |
Sensory spaces: experiencing reformed spaces and rituals in Italian civic religion, 1444-1650 |
105 000,00 $ |
Wilczek, Tobias René |
University of Toronto |
Surviving language: Kafka's and Celan's topographies of linguistic conflicts |
105 000,00 $ |
Wilhelm, Elisabeth L. |
University of Toronto |
Readership, authorship, and the word's work: Luther and the early 16th-century polemic |
105 000,00 $ |
Morrisseau, Jason |
Trent University |
Treaty Three and its discontents: queering treaty as a re-imagination of Anishinaabeg relationships |
105 000,00 $ |
Smibert, Dylan P.G. |
Saint Mary's University |
Workplace monitoring in the 21st-century: the development of a theoretical model |
105 000,00 $ |
Zaga Mendez, Alejandra |
Université du Québec en Outaouais |
Pérenniser les pratiques agro-environnementales : une analyse institutionnelle pour augmenter la résilience face aux changements climatiques en milieu agricole |
105 000,00 $ |
Jeanson, Caroline |
Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières |
L'expérience d'élèves au sein d'une initiative visant à développer leur compétence sociale : une étude de cas |
105 000,00 $ |
Barrales-Hall, Andrea Lynn |
McMaster University |
An analysis of the Theban women from Sophocles to Statius |
105 000,00 $ |
Blanchard, Kaitlin R. |
McMaster University |
Wasteful thinking: the formalism of environmental and social decay |
105 000,00 $ |
Brydges, Madison M. |
McMaster University |
What is a paramedic: an institutional ethnography of paramedic work |
105 000,00 $ |
Gordon, Michael |
McMaster University |
(De)constructing illegality: comparative migrant journeys and the humanitarian-security nexus |
105 000,00 $ |
Lam, Yee Ling Elene |
McMaster University |
An institutional inquiry into anti-trafficking investigation of migrant sex workers |
105 000,00 $ |
LoGiudice, Andrew B. |
McMaster University |
Is practice testing an effective learning tool for complex tasks |
105 000,00 $ |
Reid, Walter |
Université McGill |
A defense of Kantian fideism |
105 000,00 $ |
Suttie, Megan H. |
McMaster University |
Fantastic education: a study of teaching and learning in English-language fantasy fiction |
105 000,00 $ |
Weigeldt, Olivia J. |
McMaster University |
As/and garbage: encountering and engaging refugees and waste |
105 000,00 $ |
Whitwell, Sarah |
McMaster University |
Front line resistance: African American women and racial violence in the Southern United States |
105 000,00 $ |
Andrews, Evan J. |
University of Waterloo |
Governing thresholds in Atlantic Canada's fishery systems: examining the unexpected drivers of social behaviour in the context of a rapidly changing ocean |
105 000,00 $ |
Bacso, Sarah A. |
University of Waterloo |
Resolving miscommunication: cognitive predictors of children's ability to repair communicative errors |
105 000,00 $ |
Cousineau, Luc S. |
University of Waterloo |
Internet-based social groups' influence on social policy in Canada: a digital ethnography |
105 000,00 $ |
Dupasquier, Jessica R.R. |
University of Waterloo |
The impact of self-compassion on self-disclosure and social support |
105 000,00 $ |
Emami, Parastoo |
University of Waterloo |
Rethinking water governance situations: connecting new actors and external forces |
105 000,00 $ |
Etmanski, Brittany A. |
University of Waterloo |
Beyond academia: explaining the career pathways of PhD graduates in the social sciences |
105 000,00 $ |
Funk, Julie M. |
University of Victoria |
Flesh politics: the forensics of embodied violence |
105 000,00 $ |
Gautreau, Chantal M. |
University of Waterloo |
When thoughts during sex are no longer sexual: understanding the influences of body image dissatisfaction on sexual outcomes |
105 000,00 $ |
Joynt, Amanda A. |
University of Waterloo |
Governing urban food systems: food, policy and poverty in Mzuzu, Malawi |
105 000,00 $ |
McNeil, Julia |
University of Waterloo |
Why don't we talk about sex |
105 000,00 $ |
Milovanov, Alexandr |
University of Waterloo |
Working hard and feeling guilty: how guilt motivates us to achieve our goals |
105 000,00 $ |
Piereder, Jinelle Y. |
University of Waterloo |
How, where, and when ideologies matter: a network-based study of ideological conflict in social policy |
105 000,00 $ |
Raffoul, Amanda |
University of Waterloo |
The ignored consequences of obesity: how a focus on weight impacts psychological well-being |
105 000,00 $ |
Silburt, Aviva |
University of Waterloo |
Business for peace: mapping the governance of mining multinationals and peacebuilding in Guatemala |
105 000,00 $ |
Staples, Kiri |
University of Waterloo |
Options for integrating land use planning and environmental assessment: a case study of the Yukon, northern Canada |
105 000,00 $ |
Vimalakanthan, Kiruthiha |
University of Waterloo |
The caregiving approach to appearance comparisons |
105 000,00 $ |
Zabara, Nick |
University of Waterloo |
The nature, determinants, and consequences of safety behaviour use in social anxiety |
105 000,00 $ |
Boyle, Brianna |
Université du Nouveau-Brunswick |
Examining the influence of the probation officer relationship on criminal desistance |
105 000,00 $ |
Stewart, Hannah |
Université du Nouveau-Brunswick |
Examining perspectives of how chronic repeat offenders transition over time towards criminal desistance |
105 000,00 $ |
Thorpe-Gosley, Amelia C. |
Université du Nouveau-Brunswick |
Educational experience and gender identity: listening to transgender voices on issues of representation and erasure in educational contexts across New Brunswick |
105 000,00 $ |
Heffer, Taylor |
Brock University |
Investigating coping flexibility using daily diaries and a longitudinal design: a multi-method approach to understanding context-specific coping |
105 000,00 $ |
Trudeau, Lynn |
Brock University |
Indigenous researcher identity: reconciling differing spaces from an Ojibway perspective |
105 000,00 $ |
Flett, Alison L. |
Wilfrid Laurier University |
Further investigating social self-compassion in interpersonal functioning and adaptation |
105 000,00 $ |
Hancock, Samantha E. |
Wilfrid Laurier University |
Helping or hindering: interactive effects of employee accent and gender in the workplace |
105 000,00 $ |
Kim, Su Kyung |
Wilfrid Laurier University |
Being deviant but with good reasons: antecedents and consequences of pro-social rule-breaking behaviours in the workplace |
105 000,00 $ |
Kreutzer, Tino |
Wilfrid Laurier University |
Humanitarian governance at the breaking point |
105 000,00 $ |
Mayor, Christine |
Wilfrid Laurier University |
Missing factor: traumatic stress and the academic achievement gap |
105 000,00 $ |
Richardson, Eliza M. |
Wilfrid Laurier University |
For whom neither spouse nor child will mourn: the postwar lives of the Canadian Army Medical Corps bluebirds |
105 000,00 $ |
Wall, Sarah E. |
Wilfrid Laurier University |
The joint influence of relationship commitment and regulatory focus on relationship goal pursuit |
105 000,00 $ |
Ahmad, Fahad |
Carleton University |
Operating at the nexus: the role of community organizations in preventing radicalization |
105 000,00 $ |
Amell, Brittany E. |
Carleton University |
Story-quilting: using digital stories and writing groups to share stories of Indigenous graduate students' experiences |
105 000,00 $ |
Butler, Samantha A. |
Carleton University |
Intellectually disabled persons and self-advocacy: the impact of law and support staff in regulated group homes in Ontario and Nova Scotia |
105 000,00 $ |
Douglas, Heather P. |
Carleton University |
Using ordinal skills training to improve arithmetic proficiency in young children: a web-based tutoring system intervention |
105 000,00 $ |
Hipson, William E. |
Carleton University |
Overcoming social fear: examining the role of emotion regulation in the early school adjustment of young shy children |
105 000,00 $ |
Hollingshead, Samantha |
Carleton University |
Does concern about another group's future lead to acceptance of their discriminatory policies |
105 000,00 $ |
MacIsaac, Samuel |
Carleton University |
The immigrant debt service ratio: a microdata analysis of the debt load and remittance payments of Canadian immigrants |
105 000,00 $ |
Mitchell, Scott S. |
Carleton University |
Cloudy with a chance of whooping cough: an analysis of digital disease tracking tools |
105 000,00 $ |
Pham, Anh Trinh T. |
Carleton University |
Predictive accuracies of intimate partner violence risk assessment instruments |
105 000,00 $ |
Purvis, Matthew L. |
Carleton University |
Erotic nationalism in Canadian visual culture from 1965-1975 |
105 000,00 $ |
Ring, Jessica A.M. |
Carleton University |
Re-tooling the sisterhood: reclaiming feminist epistemologies and technical practices through feminist tinker spaces |
105 000,00 $ |
Rothwell, Emily J. |
Carleton University |
Drawing Britain's fairy godmothers: the production and illustration of literary fairy tales in an age of British nationalism, 1865 to 1914 |
105 000,00 $ |
Smith, Stephen N. |
Carleton University |
World Order with Chinese characteristics: the development of a Chinese school of international relations and implications for China's foreign policy |
105 000,00 $ |
Van Vliet, Lindy M. |
Carleton University |
The power of the sex talk: disrupting settler commonsense in Canadian sex education |
105 000,00 $ |
Merwin, Kathleen E. |
Dalhousie University |
Does communication during sexual activity benefit the sexual well-being of long-term couples |
105 000,00 $ |
Alarie, Laurent |
Université d'Ottawa |
L'interaction du réseau des élites politiques et économiques au Québec : les cas de Québecor et de Power Corporation |
105 000,00 $ |
Arseneau, Véronique |
Université d'Ottawa |
Entre stéréotype et reconnaissance : étude de la réception d'oeuvres d'auteures franco-canadiennes |
105 000,00 $ |
Azzi, Stéphanie T. |
Université d'Ottawa |
Le rôle de l'attachement amoureux et l'offre de soutien chez des couples |
105 000,00 $ |
Bailey, Maykal S. |
Université d'Ottawa |
Into the belly of the beast: a look at police role management from behind the uniform |
105 000,00 $ |
Beauchamp, Jérémie |
University of British Columbia |
Syntaxe et sémantique des expressions locatives |
105 000,00 $ |
Beauregard, Mélanie |
Université d'Ottawa |
Dominer par l'écriture : une analyse critique des discours d'opinion médiatiques canadiens sur les femmes musulmanes |
105 000,00 $ |
Brant, Kiera |
University of British Columbia |
Making it mandatory: negotiating the challenges of compulsory Indigenous teacher education |
105 000,00 $ |
Cassin, Katelyn L.H. |
Université d'Ottawa |
Micro-level peacebuilding through religious interfaces and interchanges: the capacity of religion to connect UN military and police peacekeepers with local populations in Lebanon |
105 000,00 $ |
Cloutier de Repentigny, Pierre |
Université d'Ottawa |
Protecting marine life through the reformation of the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea: envisioning what environmental law could be |
105 000,00 $ |
Deneault, Audrey-Ann |
Université d'Ottawa |
La validation des échelles PARS pour mesurer l'attachement enfant-parent à l'âge préscolaire |
105 000,00 $ |
Descarreaux, Samuel |
Université d'Ottawa |
La naturalisation de l'épistémologie kantienne : étude sur la normativité épistémologique dans le cadre du renouveau de la philosophie kantienne dans la seconde moité du XIXe siècle en Allemagne |
105 000,00 $ |
El Haj Hassan, Boushra |
Université d'Ottawa |
Firm's political connection and executive compensation |
105 000,00 $ |
Farley, Claire |
Université d'Ottawa |
Works cited: feminist documentary poetries as archive |
105 000,00 $ |
Firzly, Najat |
Université d'Ottawa |
Le mentorat inversé au travail : maintenir les liens intergénérationnels |
105 000,00 $ |
Gauthier-Trépanier, Camylle |
Université d'Ottawa |
Violence et marginalisation dans la littérature adolescente québécoise et franco-canadienne |
105 000,00 $ |
Gendreau Richer, Nichola |
Université d'Ottawa |
L'hégéliano-marxisme contemporain : Postone, Honneth et Zizek |
105 000,00 $ |
Guérin Marion, Camille |
Université d'Ottawa |
Physiological, intrapersonal, and interpersonal substrates of emotion regulation and the link to suicidality in Canadian youth |
105 000,00 $ |
Jolin, Stéphanie |
Université d'Ottawa |
Le rôle de la relation de couple sur le fonctionnement triadique parents-enfant |
105 000,00 $ |
Langlois, Marie-Dominik |
Université d'Ottawa |
Identité Autochtone et développement extractiviste : le cas du peuple Xinka au Guatemala |
105 000,00 $ |
Marshall, Elsa M. |
University of Southampton |
Bursting into song: charting form and sonic transitions in the film musicals of MGM's Freed Unit |
105 000,00 $ |
Mitchell, Megan E. |
Université d'Ottawa |
The overincarceration of Indigenous peoples in Canada: a comparative analysis of risk and decision-making in post-Gladue bail court |
105 000,00 $ |
Nelson, Robin |
Université d'Ottawa |
Unintended policies: the translation of government instruments into an experienced policy |
105 000,00 $ |
Pageau St-Hilaire, Antoine |
University of Chicago |
Hans Georg Gadamer, Leo Strauss et Gerhard Krüger : la critique de la modernité dans le platonisme contemporain |
105 000,00 $ |
Petit, Arnaud |
University of Oxford |
The normative mind and its place in nature |
105 000,00 $ |
Petricone-Westwood, Danielle |
Université d'Ottawa |
Caregiving for patients diagnosed with ovarian cancer: an examination of attachment theory in relationships with the cancer care team |
105 000,00 $ |
Swain, Stacie A.* |
Université d'Ottawa |
State neutrality and Indigenous spirituality: the politics of prayer in contemporary Canadian governance |
105 000,00 $ |
Coombs, Andrew J. |
Queen's University |
Preparing assessment capable teachers: examining the impact of diverse models of teacher assessment education |
105 000,00 $ |
DeFrance, Kalee |
Queen's University |
Emotion regulation across adolescence: individual differences and mechanisms of change |
105 000,00 $ |
DePaola, Ashley H.M. |
Queen's University |
Examining the relationship between street family affiliation, social support, and crime |
105 000,00 $ |
Fowler, Susan E. |
Queen's University |
Transracial adoption and the role of the Chinese daughter in Canadian literature: critical reflections and poetic inquiry |
105 000,00 $ |
Hamel, Dominique |
Queen's University |
Navigating through grey areas: assessing the role of the accounting conceptual framework in curbing earnings management |
105 000,00 $ |
Hargadon, Daniel P. |
Queen's University |
Validating the habit implicit association test (Habit IAT): an implicit measure of habit strength |
105 000,00 $ |
Henry-Noel, Darren |
Queen's University |
The crusades as a state-building exercise under Philip II of France |
105 000,00 $ |
Hobill, Astrid |
Queen's University |
Examining the evidence: studying the painting techniques of Bosch and Bruegel |
105 000,00 $ |
Hudson, Chloe C. |
Queen's University |
Understanding others: unravelling the mechanisms that lead to peer victimization |
105 000,00 $ |
Jamieson, Lesley P. |
Queen's University |
Locating literature in moral philosophy: reason, emotion, and the legitimacy of arguments |
105 000,00 $ |
Jaques, Bronwyn E. |
Queen's University |
The working of nation and identity in Canadian tourism |
105 000,00 $ |
Legge, Rosemary L.S.. |
Queen's University |
Specular pleasures: the mirror in the Rococo interior |
105 000,00 $ |
MacGregor, Stephen W. |
Queen's University |
Knowledge mobilization in Canadian universities: exploring research impact with non-academic partners |
105 000,00 $ |
McDonald, Pamela A. |
Queen's University |
Examining the pathways model of mathematics in children with an arithmetic disability |
105 000,00 $ |
Mussell, Linda |
Queen's University |
Building resilience beyond bars: intersectionality-based policy options to enable beneficial child-incarcerated parent relationships in Canada |
105 000,00 $ |
Nuri, M.R. Parvin |
Queen's University |
Theory to practice: what works to meet the needs of families of children with disabilities in Bangladesh |
105 000,00 $ |
Richert, Eric |
Queen's University |
The role of parental assistance in the production of their children's education |
105 000,00 $ |
Robbins-Kanter, Jacob L. |
Queen's University |
Political multilingualism in Canada: linguistic dissonance in election campaign messaging |
105 000,00 $ |
Watts, Galen |
Queen's University |
Spirituality and social justice: an interdisciplinary analysis of the culture of Canadian millennials |
105 000,00 $ |
Munkittrick, Tricia J.A. |
Memorial University of Newfoundland |
Regional insights into childhood lead exposure from historical North American skeletal remains |
105 000,00 $ |
Webber, Valerie B. |
Memorial University of Newfoundland |
Public privates: measure B, pornographic sex, and the ethics of public health |
105 000,00 $ |
Auger Cortez, Sarah L. |
University of Alberta |
Indigenous art as pedagogy |
105 000,00 $ |
Cormier, Matthew S. |
University of Alberta |
Postmodernism en Acadie: breaking open France Daigle's literary rubik's cube, Pour sûr |
105 000,00 $ |
Dunford, David T. |
University of Alberta |
A look into how Canadian law enforcement and intelligence services use "soft power" to combat radicalization and terrorism |
105 000,00 $ |
Fehr, Colton D. |
University of Alberta |
Ensuring courts and legislatures are effectively governing privacy in the digital age |
105 000,00 $ |
Kafara, Rylan K. |
University of Alberta |
Real revitalization: poverty, urban development, and homelessness in Edmonton |
105 000,00 $ |
Kroon, Ariel P. |
University of Alberta |
Moving beyond survival in twentieth-century Canadian post-apocalyptic science fiction |
105 000,00 $ |
Kujala, William J. |
University of Alberta |
Doing cruelty justice: history and the legitimation of violence |
105 000,00 $ |
Kvas, Kevin V.K. |
University of Alberta |
Balancing accounts in 21st-century Canadian economic narratives |
105 000,00 $ |
Lavoie, Michelle M. |
University of Alberta |
Building mechanisms of social support: a narrative inquiry into LGBTTQ mentorship |
105 000,00 $ |
Parent, David N.B. |
University of Alberta |
The people who moved themselves: post-WWII Metis migration to Vancouver, British Columbia, 1940-1970 |
105 000,00 $ |
Ricioppo, Sabine |
University of Alberta |
Examining English language learners' writing proficiency levels: a hierarchical assessment framework of syntactical structures |
105 000,00 $ |
Scheuneman Scott, Isabel M.S. |
University of Alberta |
A contextualized narrative exploration of incarcerated Indigenous women's violent crimes via traditional storytelling practices |
105 000,00 $ |
Pérez-Lauzon, Sara |
HEC Montréal |
Développement des capacités d'innovation des PME de l'aérospatiale : l'environnement institutionnel régional et les pratiques de gestion des ressources humaines comme sources d'avantages compétitifs - étude comparative Canada-Mexique |
105 000,00 $ |
Saldanha, Fabio Prado |
HEC Montréal |
L'inclusion sociale par le réveil de l'aspiration au changement : une étude sur la transférabilité d'une innovation sociale au bénéfice de la jeunesse des Premières Nations du Canada |
105 000,00 $ |
Kelly, Liam D. |
University of Guelph |
An economic analysis of intrahousehold dynamics and the implications for agricultural productivity: investigating gender, customary land tenure, and agricultural investment |
105 000,00 $ |
Panetta, Larissa |
University of Guelph |
Student academic functioning and adjustment to university: examining the unique predictive utility of circadian misalignment |
105 000,00 $ |
Robertshaw, Matthew J. * |
Université York |
The Two Haitis: cautionary tale or postcolonial epic |
105 000,00 $ |
Underhill, Angela A.L. |
University of Guelph |
Revisioning reproduction: exploring the experiences of medicalized embodiment of infertility on intra- and interpersonal relationships |
105 000,00 $ |
Brown, Matthew F.D. |
Western University |
Trauma-informed perspective on the ideation-to-action framework of suicide: extension to network modelling |
105 000,00 $ |
Bruce, Kirsten L. |
Western University |
The lived experience of cancer in ancient Peru |
105 000,00 $ |
Dobson, Kiersten A. |
Western University |
Ideal sexual preferences: what do people want in their ideal sexual relationship, and how does this relate to their actual relationships |
105 000,00 $ |
Girard, Tyler |
Western University |
Examining the emergence and contestation of financial inclusion in the international community |
105 000,00 $ |
Hoven, Emily A. |
University of Alberta |
Poetics of the city: rewriting civic narratives in Edmonton |
105 000,00 $ |
Johns, Arwen M. |
Western University |
The richness of food: food as spectacle in early state systems on the North Coast of Peru |
105 000,00 $ |
Lau, Chloe |
Western University |
The pursuit of meaningful living: a longitudinal investigation on the association between search and presence of meaning in life |
105 000,00 $ |
Mowat, Alistair D.C. |
Western University |
The late Roman and early Byzantine military landscape of Northern Greece |
105 000,00 $ |
Oswick, Derek E. |
Western University |
The role of values in neuroscientific progress |
105 000,00 $ |
Slothouber, Vanessa J. |
Western University |
Narratives of detransition: disrupting the boundaries of gender and time |
105 000,00 $ |
Tardif, Suzie |
Université du Québec à Chicoutimi |
Étude sur les facteurs favorisant la diplomation collégiale ou universitaire de jeunes adultes québécois vivant avec une dysphasie |
105 000,00 $ |
Bird, John R.E. |
University of Saskatchewan |
Prophetic visions: Christianity and the development of nineteenth-century Indigenous historical consciousnesses |
105 000,00 $ |
Dase, Kyle D. |
University of Saskatchewan |
Donne's second religion: social context in the verse letters of John Donne |
105 000,00 $ |
Joe-Strack, Jocelyn A. |
University of Saskatchewan |
Dän k'e, our way from self-government to self-determination: insight and impact of developing the champagne and Aishihik First Nation's settlement land use plan |
105 000,00 $ |
Pelletier, Terrance R. |
University of Saskatchewan |
Exploring leadership development in an Indigenous context: a historical case study of Cowessess First Nation |
105 000,00 $ |
Stavrou, Stavros G. |
University of Saskatchewan |
Understanding the experiences of Aboriginal mathematics educators: reshaping the space for achievement |
105 000,00 $ |
Deasley, Shanna |
University of Windsor |
Social well-being and the quality of Facebook interactions in emerging adults with symptoms of ADHD |
105 000,00 $ |
Santarossa, Sara |
University of Windsor |
SocialMedia: exploring children's social networking site use, parental modelling, and how to leave a positive digital footprint |
105 000,00 $ |
Barnes, Jennifer |
Université du Manitoba |
Investigating the relationship between maternal depression and infant attachment security in an Aboriginal population |
105 000,00 $ |
Dietrich, Noelle |
Université York |
Vengeance or mercy: locating justice in restorative justice after homicide |
105 000,00 $ |
Duthie-Kannikkatt, Kaitlyn |
Université du Manitoba |
Harvesting the fruits of biocultural design: seed sovereignty and farmer innovation in small-scale food systems |
105 000,00 $ |
Kenyon, Katherine M. |
Université du Manitoba |
The empowerment process of women who have experienced Intimate partner violence |
105 000,00 $ |
Kosmenko, Nickolas J. |
Université du Manitoba |
Northern Indigenous athletes and competitive sport: an exploration of factors influencing participation in Manitoba |
105 000,00 $ |
Penner, Heather |
Université d'Ottawa |
Leprosy, necrosis and pus in late ancient literature: the impact of Christianization on medicine |
105 000,00 $ |
Rahman, Mohammad Azizur |
Université du Manitoba |
Refugee youth experiences influencing integration trajectories in Canada |
105 000,00 $ |
Shaw, David |
Queen's University |
Cultural entanglements: Indigenous knowledges and agential realism |
105 000,00 $ |
Ward, Michelle A. |
Université du Manitoba |
Maternal ASD and parenting: a similarity-fit approach to understanding the parenting experiences and practices of mothers with Autism Spectrum Disorder |
105 000,00 $ |
Busque-Carrier, Mathieu |
Université de Sherbrooke |
Validation d'un modèle théorique de valeurs de travail basé sur la théorie de l'autodétermination auprès d'adultes québécois |
105 000,00 $ |
Carlos, Jean-Philippe |
Université de Sherbrooke |
Le rebelle traditionaliste : biographie sociointellectuelle de François-Albert Angers - 1909-2003 |
105 000,00 $ |
Comtois, Charlotte |
Université de Sherbrooke |
Patriquer l'espace au féminin : une étude de la mobilité géographique dans les romans québécois depuis 1930 |
105 000,00 $ |
Gagné, Karine |
Université de Sherbrooke |
Effets d'une intervention relationnelle sur les composantes de la sensibilité maternelle et la sécurité d'attachement de l'enfant |
105 000,00 $ |
Guimond, Olivier |
Université d'Ottawa |
L'histoire de l'idée de souveraineté populaire au Québec : étude de l'esprit républicain québécois face aux traditions idéologiques dominantes du Canada (1838-1896) |
105 000,00 $ |
Leduc, Karissa |
Université McGill |
La collaboration entre les écoles et les services sociaux et de la santé : répondre aux besoins des enfants qui présentent un trouble anxieux et des adultes qui les accompagnent |
105 000,00 $ |
Agro, Hilary |
University of British Columbia |
Drug user activism and experiences with the war on drugs in Mexico |
105 000,00 $ |
Baer, Carolyn |
University of British Columbia |
Metacognition and social interaction in children |
105 000,00 $ |
Brace, Jordan C. |
University of British Columbia |
Evaluation of measurement invariance under realistic conditions |
105 000,00 $ |
Chen, Lihan |
University of British Columbia |
Two-stage approach for item-level missing data in social sciences |
105 000,00 $ |
Chewinski, Maximilian |
University of British Columbia |
Public-private partnerships for sustainable development: evidence from Ghana, Burkina Faso and Peru |
105 000,00 $ |
Couture, Jesse L. |
University of British Columbia |
But they're only children: considering kids' sport, Canadian media, and the (re)production of risk |
105 000,00 $ |
Ducharme, Michael J.J. |
University of British Columbia |
Audience interaction systems in interactive computer music |
105 000,00 $ |
Giannone, Zarina A. |
University of British Columbia |
Championing athletes' transition out of sport: investigating the effectiveness of the life development intervention on the psychological adjustment of Canadian high-performance athletes during sport retirement |
105 000,00 $ |
Hare, Kathleen |
University of British Columbia |
New threads in the web: opportunities to democratize sexual knowledge via participatory media |
105 000,00 $ |
Hofman, Darra L. |
University of British Columbia |
Privacy and identity: democracy, freedom, and human rights in records |
105 000,00 $ |
Kaseweter, Kimberley A. |
University of British Columbia |
Shock value: exploring the link between sadism, psychopathy, and aggressive behaviour |
105 000,00 $ |
Lanki, Colleen P. |
University of British Columbia |
Kishida Rio: a woman's voice in the Japanese avant-garde theatre |
105 000,00 $ |
Lee, Angelina S. |
University of British Columbia |
A picture is worth a thousand words: understanding post-migration experiences of Syrian refugee families in Canada |
105 000,00 $ |
Lee, Nicole Y.S. |
University of British Columbia |
Chinese Canadian artists working with and beyond tradition: an a/r/tographic visual narrative inquiry |
105 000,00 $ |
MacArthur, Ewen |
University of Oxford |
Imagining Europe at its borders: a view from Gambian migrants in Tangier, Morocco |
105 000,00 $ |
Park, Joanne L. |
University of British Columbia |
Associations among mothers' and fathers' executive functions, child-responsibility attributions, and parenting practices |
105 000,00 $ |
Pun, Anthea C. |
University of British Columbia |
Infants' understanding of social dominance relationships |
105 000,00 $ |
Rose, Katherine B. |
University of British Columbia |
Thanks for the mnemories: a five-year follow-up of experimentally-induced false memories |
105 000,00 $ |
Suzuki, Saeko |
University of British Columbia |
Popular educational books for women as cultural commodities in early modern Japan |
105 000,00 $ |
Swanson, Ross K. |
University of British Columbia |
Beyond anthropocentrism: shamans and shapeshifters in recent Colombian popular culture |
105 000,00 $ |
TeBokkel, Nathan B. |
University of British Columbia |
Poet-farmers and problems of (agri)culture and aesthetics |
105 000,00 $ |
Treleaven, Christina |
University of British Columbia |
Care conundrum: the impacts of informal eldercare on young workers' careers |
105 000,00 $ |
Walker, Katherine A. |
University of British Columbia |
Completing the "post-colonial" circle: Indigenous holistic theory in political practice |
105 000,00 $ |
White, Cindel J.M. |
University of British Columbia |
The developmental origins, mental representation, and behavioural consequences of belief in karma |
105 000,00 $ |
Xia, Wenyi |
University of British Columbia |
Climate change adaptation for seaports under uncertainty |
105 000,00 $ |
Bergen, Hilary |
Université Concordia |
Dancing media: posthuman movement at the limits of the body |
105 000,00 $ |
Cober, Lucas S.P. |
Université Concordia |
Without blemish or defect: disability and Biblical interpretation |
105 000,00 $ |
Di Bartolomeo, Jacqueline |
University of Toronto |
Women travellers in the Age of Empire: the politics of feminist selfhood in the nineteenth-century Atlantic world |
105 000,00 $ |
Dickson, Daniel D. |
Université Concordia |
New population, old problems: policy implementation and the social inclusion of older adults with developmental disabilities in Canada |
105 000,00 $ |
Drukker, Kelly N. |
Université Concordia |
Naming the traces: re/constructing an Irish-Canadian family narrative of emigration, place-making, and return |
105 000,00 $ |
Ferrar, Saskia J. |
Université Concordia |
Emotion expression and conflict resolution in at-risk mother-child and sibling dyads: a bidirectional and dynamic systems perspective |
105 000,00 $ |
Franks, Kristine N. |
Université Concordia |
Uncharted waters: using community-based participatory research and videovoice to navigate the water ethics of Indigenous groups in Canada |
105 000,00 $ |
Herriot, Heather L. |
Université Concordia |
Self-compassion, self-regulation, and subjective well-being in older adulthood: a longitudinal analysis |
105 000,00 $ |
Jalbert, Elie |
Université de Montréal |
Assembling the gulf: competing governance models in the era of climate change |
105 000,00 $ |
Larios, Lindsay G. |
Université Concordia |
When migration policy is care policy: experiences of migrants in Canada through the ethics of care |
105 000,00 $ |
Leduc, James |
University of California, Berkeley |
Locating sovereignty: Richard Creagh, Tudor Ireland, and the early modern world |
105 000,00 $ |
MacDonald, Corina |
Université Concordia |
Disseminating research-creation: from product to process in online scholarly publishing |
105 000,00 $ |
Marcotte, Jessica R. |
Université Concordia |
They grew on me: human attachment to NPCs in games |
105 000,00 $ |
Newcomb-Anjo, Sarah E. |
Université Concordia |
A comprehensive analysis of subjective and objective well-being pathways during the transition from university to post-graduation pursuits |
105 000,00 $ |
Royer, Justin |
Université McGill |
The scalar base of modality: evidence from expletive negation in Chuj and Tseltal (Mayan) |
105 000,00 $ |
Ruivivar, June |
Université Concordia |
Nonstandard spoken grammar in second language teaching: issues and possibilities |
105 000,00 $ |
Schuurman, Matthew William |
Université du Québec à Montréal |
Understanding the variations in word order across languages: an exploration of the syntactic relationship between quantifier scope ambiguities and word order in two Indigenous languages of Canada, Mi'gmaq and Inuktitut |
105 000,00 $ |
Tremblay-Boily, Guillaume |
Université Concordia |
L'implantation et l'engagement des marxistes-léninistes québécois dans des milieux de travail: analyse d'une rencontre entre intellectuels et travailleurs |
105 000,00 $ |
Turcotte, Anne-Marie |
Université Concordia |
The sound of breaking glass: reconstructing shattered identities through an investigation of the hidden narrative behind acts of property destruction committed by young Nunavimmiut |
105 000,00 $ |
Abdelbaki, Rawan |
Université York |
Settlement and the subjectivities of skilled immigrants |
105 000,00 $ |
Anderson, Janice |
Université York |
Beyond the limits of man: constituting decolonial interventions of hue-myn being in African diaspora literature |
105 000,00 $ |
Angus, Siobhan |
Université York |
Picturing a forgotten frontier: visual culture and resource extraction in Canada |
105 000,00 $ |
Baird, Kyla A. * |
Université York |
The intersection between child protection services and sex trafficking |
105 000,00 $ |
Ball, Tyler Scott |
Université York |
Writing wider worlds: (re)theorizing hospitality with Indian Ocean literature |
105 000,00 $ |
Barnstaple, Rebecca E. |
Université York |
Affording agency: dance and healing in North Simcoe |
105 000,00 $ |
Davidson, Tal |
Université York |
Who's counter-what: the countercultural value of liberation and its contingency on privilege in the psychedelic, feminist and Black psychologies of the 1960s |
105 000,00 $ |
Fraser, Clara M. |
Université York |
Imagining planning futures: urban planning as fulfillment of treaty promises |
105 000,00 $ |
Goldberg, Cara |
Université York |
The right touch: negotiating non-apparent impairments with/in embodied interactions |
105 000,00 $ |
Han, David |
Université York |
Imagined heights: engaging and empowering youth through art and technology training and participation in a collaborative virtual reality community art project |
105 000,00 $ |
Hildebrand-Edgar, Nicole |
Université York |
Exploring the use of creaky voice in adolescent peer-group formation |
105 000,00 $ |
Hnatuk, Tyler |
Université York |
Place-based services and the production of feeblemindedness in Ontario |
105 000,00 $ |
Hunter, Andrew G. |
Université York |
The painter and the arsonist: understanding the diverse expressions of boredom |
105 000,00 $ |
Leung, Maybelle |
University of Toronto |
Violent beholding as female knowledge of Christ in medieval devotional writing |
105 000,00 $ |
Marchinko, Elan T. |
Université York |
Staging Indigenous experience and Canadian colonial violence through dance: a critical analysis of the Royal Winnipeg Ballet's Going Home Star and The Ecstasy of Rita Joe |
105 000,00 $ |
Phung, Kam J. |
Université York |
The business of modern slavery: abolition and institutional resistance |
105 000,00 $ |
Rewegan, Alexander N. |
Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Plastic memories: how neuroscientists render memory knowable in the age of plastic brains |
105 000,00 $ |
Shadaan, Reena* |
Université York |
Challenging environmental racism and environmental violence: the leadership and mobilization of young Indigenous women and young women of colour |
105 000,00 $ |
Sicondolfo, Claudia F. |
Université York |
Shifts in the cinematic: strategies of 21st-century youth engagement in Canadian screen communities |
105 000,00 $ |
Turner, Camille J. |
Université York |
The landscape of forgetting: staging black memory in Canadian heritage museums |
105 000,00 $ |
Dawson, Krysta |
Simon Fraser University |
Networked pathways to violence: the role of social networks in the criminal trajectory of gang members |
105 000,00 $ |
Kwon, Katerina C. |
Simon Fraser University |
Moving beyond assessment: linking cumulative effects management to Aboriginal decision-making in British Columbia |
105 000,00 $ |
Massie, Alicia |
Simon Fraser University |
Negotiating fossil fuel futures: a critical investigation of Canada's oil and gas industry |
105 000,00 $ |
Neudecker, Christine H. |
Simon Fraser University |
The method to their madness: using risk terrain modeling to predict terrorist attacks |
105 000,00 $ |
Pastia, Cristina |
Simon Fraser University |
The changing landscape of fear of crime in Canada 1994-2014 |
105 000,00 $ |
Sersli, Stephanie M. |
Simon Fraser University |
Planning for cycling cities: equity, inclusion, and the sustainable city |
105 000,00 $ |
Thobani, Imran |
New York University |
Explanations in computational neuroscience |
105 000,00 $ |
Treen, Emily R. |
Simon Fraser University |
The carrot and the cliff: the overpowering influence of deterrence factors over incentives on participation in crowdsourcing |
105 000,00 $ |
Vachon-Roy, Maude |
Simon Fraser University |
The material culture of the French word in late medieval England—c.1300-1500 |
105 000,00 $ |
Wiesenthal, Zeph Arlen Jacob J. |
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor |
The sultan-caliph and the heroes of the revolution: heroism, media culture, and the contestation of public persona in the late Ottoman Empire, 1900-1914 |
105 000,00 $ |
Beks, Tiffany A. |
University of Calgary |
Finding institutional courage: cultivating restorative responses to military psychological trauma |
105 000,00 $ |
Cameron, Emily E. |
University of Calgary |
Learning the lingo: the impact of early childhood sleep patterns on language ability at school-entry |
105 000,00 $ |
Godollei Lappalainen, Anna F. |
University of Calgary |
Game-based selection assessments |
105 000,00 $ |
Larson, Nicole L. |
University of Calgary |
The dynamics of team dynamics: examining developmental trajectories of transition, action, and interpersonal team processes |
105 000,00 $ |
Ngo, Kevin |
University of Calgary |
Improvisation: bridging the gap between composition and performance in WA Mozart's piano music |
105 000,00 $ |
Petruik, Courtney R. |
University of Calgary |
Understanding cultural resiliency and perceptions of beauty in young Aboriginal women in Calgary, Alberta, using participatory action research |
105 000,00 $ |
Lemieux, Joanie |
Université du Québec à Rimouski |
Chambre 22, roman, suivi de Robinsonnades contemporaines : nouveaux espaces de solitude chez Éric Chevillard, Aude, Denis Thériault et Nicolas Dickner |
105 000,00 $ |
Beaumier, Guillaume |
Université Laval |
Commerce électronique : la gouvernance d'un système complexe et les défaillances d'une analyse de marché |
105 000,00 $ |
Binette, Amélie |
Université Laval |
La désuétude des textes en droit constitutionnel canadien : nombreuses nuances dans le sommeil de la norme constitutionnelle |
105 000,00 $ |
Boutin, Pier-Ann |
Université Laval |
Interagir pour apprendre : la négociation de sens à travers les interactions épistémiques entre stagiaires et enseignants associés, outil de formation et de développement professionnel |
105 000,00 $ |
Ellington, Lisa Ann |
Université Laval |
Le processus de guérison des hommes Autochtones ayant séjourné dans un pavillon de ressourcement au Canada |
105 000,00 $ |
Fournier, Julien |
Université Laval |
Aux confins des faits et du droit : les renversements jurisprudentiels sur la base de la preuve en droit constitutionnel |
105 000,00 $ |
Godin-Tremblay, Laurence |
Université du Québec à Montréal |
Logique d'Aristote et logique de Leibniz : mots versus symboles |
105 000,00 $ |
Haemmerli, Guillaume |
Université Laval |
Établissement et mobilité des réfugiés admis au Canada, 2000 à 2015 |
105 000,00 $ |
Lambert, Sarah |
Université Laval |
La céramique géométrique, archaïque et classique du palais d'Amathonte : regard évolutif d'une royauté étéochypriote |
105 000,00 $ |
Lavoie, Guillaume |
Université Laval |
Une histoire des manuels de scénarisation américains (1911-2016) : du photoplay à l'ère du numérique |
105 000,00 $ |
Lavoie, Andréanne |
Université Laval |
Effets de systèmes agroforestiers sur le maintien de la diversité bioculturelle dans la Cordillera Azul au Pérou |
105 000,00 $ |
Liljesthrom, Valeria |
Université Laval |
Figuration de l'histoire dans le roman francophone : modalités énonciatives et construction du sens dans l'oeuvre de Dany Laferrière, Tierno Monénembo et Patrick Chamoiseau |
105 000,00 $ |
Pelletier, Simon |
Université Laval |
Pour une histoire littéraire des discours sur la liberté de la presse 1789-1836 |
105 000,00 $ |
Pereira de Grandmont, Pascal-Olivier |
Université Laval |
Anthropologie historique de l'autonomisme dans la commune de Nuku Hiva 1946 à aujourd'hui |
105 000,00 $ |
Pomerleau Turcotte, Justine |
Université Laval |
Les facteurs psychologiques et cognitifs pouvant influencer les performances en formation auditive chez des étudiants de niveau postsecondaire |
105 000,00 $ |
Renauld, Stéphanie |
Université Laval |
Difficultés de compréhension en lecture chez les élèves du secondaire : départager le rôle de l'intervention orthophonique ciblée et de l'intervention motivationnelle |
105 000,00 $ |
Savage, Laura-Émilie |
Université Laval |
Expériences de trauma vécues par les mères à l'enfance en lien avec leur adaptation psychosociale et le développement émotionnel de leur enfant |
105 000,00 $ |
Savoie, Daphnée |
Université Laval |
Au-delà de l'antagonisme entre collectivisme et individualisme méthodologique : un argument ontologiquement neutre en faveur du concept de responsabilité morale individuelle |
105 000,00 $ |
Brunt, Nathaniel |
Ryerson University |
The country without a post office: a metaphotographic history of Kashmir's insurgency |
105 000,00 $ |
Illesinghe, Mahabaduge V.F. |
Ryerson University |
Immigration policy and volence against immigrant and refugee women in Canada |
105 000,00 $ |
Loney, Danielle |
Ryerson University |
Evaluating evidence-based decision making by review boards about offenders found not criminally responsible |
105 000,00 $ |
Thomas, Emily J. |
Ryerson University |
Re-conceptualizing sexual consent: an exploration of alternative approaches to sexual violence prevention |
105 000,00 $ |
Cosma, Stephanie |
Ryerson University |
Meaning, value, and status of sex among heterosexual young men |
105 000,00 $ |